Castro steps down.

They lead the way in showing us what it means to be free. Praise them.

Agreed. If it was not for uncle Sam, ( and their colleagues over the past few generations , the British ) , we would be speaking German or Russian now ( those of us not in concentration camps or Gulags ). The US ( or the UK ) are not perfect, but a lot more people escaped from Cuba to the "west" rather than the other way around.

How dare you not jump onto the soft-headed anti-American Band Wagon!
Next you will be thanking the Americans for all the jobs they provide!

Agreed. If it was not for uncle Sam, ( and their colleagues over the past few generations , the British ) , we would be speaking German or Russian now.

So you mean we could have endured decades (perhaps centuries) under the rule of another nation, and could be speaking a language other than our native Irish language?
Next you will be thanking the Americans for all the jobs they provide!
The Americans are here because of tax reasons (or sometimes IDA bribes), not for charity. Did you not know that?
There's no need to thank them. If EU tax harmonisation kicks in, they'll soon start leaving.
The Americans are here because of tax reasons (or sometimes IDA bribes), not for charity. Did you not know that?
There's no need to thank them. If EU tax harmonisation kicks in, they'll soon start leaving.

I was not aware that the IDA gave bribes. That's a serious accusation, you should back it up.
US companies came here for a number of reasons, mainly low taxes and the fact that we speak English. Never the less they were/are still a major factor in our economic success over the last 15 years.
The fact that they are now leaving more often than arriving is down to our high wages, bad infrastructure and low skill level. That's down to us, not them. If we want to keep them here we need wage moderation and a few third level bodies that are even close to international standards.
It would also be good if we worked as hard or as smart as Americans.
"It would also be good if we worked as hard or as smart as Americans"

In fairness, I think we probably do. Longer holidays perhaps, but our productivity is right up there.
"It would also be good if we worked as hard or as smart as Americans"

In fairness, I think we probably do. Longer holidays perhaps, but our productivity is right up there.
I can only speak from personal experience over the last 10 years dealing with customers in the USA, Europe, the UK, Asia and Ireland but I have found Americans to be efficient and technically knowledgeable but the thing that really differentiates them from us is their clarity of thought and ability to make decisions quickly. They are also far more honourable in their dealing than Irish people and well stick to their word.
Basically they can make clear business focused decisions faster and better than their Irish counterparts.
They also have a far better technical and commercial understanding of what they are doing. In my experience the only other country that is at their level is Holland.
I was not aware that the IDA gave bribes. That's a serious accusation, you should back it up.
A 'serious accusation'? - it's freely available for anyone to see on their website;
[broken link removed]
It is under 'Financial Incentives'

this is certainly a bribe, [broken link removed]
1. Something, such as money or a favor, offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence that person's views or conduct.

Did you not know the IDA did this?
A 'serious accusation'? - it's freely available for anyone to see on their website;
[broken link removed]
It is under 'Financial Incentives'

this is certainly a bribe, [broken link removed]

Did you not know the IDA did this?

–noun 1. money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person.

The implication is that brides are illegal payments to the individual. IDA grants (Financial Incentives) are linked to targets such as employment levels etc. If these targets are not met the grants are repaid. Your implication is insulting to the people who work in the IDA and to those companies who avail of these incentives. Using your logic a research grant is a bribe.
The implication is that brides are illegal payments to the individual.
Where did I imply that the process was illegal? I would certainly question the ethical implications, but I never implied anything illegal was going on.

–noun 1. money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person.
A bribe doesn't have to be illegal, and the way the IDA operates certainly fits your definition of bribing, above.
and the way the IDA operates certainly fits your definition of bribing, above.
I think you should consider your posts a bit more on a public forum. If you made that accusation about a private company they would be well within their rights to sue you (or Brendan as the owner of AAM).
I think you should consider your posts a bit more on a public forum. If you made that accusation about a private company they would be well within their rights to sue you (or Brendan as the owner of AAM).
Did you even read my posts? (BTW, When quoting, please include all the relevent text. Otherwise it can be quite misleading)

Can the IDA not sue people? What grounds would they be suing me, or Brendan, the owner of AAM?

You jumped to the conclusion that I was suggesting the IDA was acting illegally, which was not the case.

Maybe all the 'dishonourable Irish' should sue you!
Did you even read my posts?

You jumped to the conclusion that I was suggesting the IDA was acting illegally, which was not the case.
You said;
and the way the IDA operates certainly fits your definition of bribing, above.
The definition that I posted was;
–noun 1. money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person.
My conclusion was based on this. In what way is it inaccurate?

Maybe all the 'dishonourable Irish' should sue you!
I did not say that the Irish were dishonourable, I said that Americans were, in my experience, more honourable. Did you even read my post?
This is not acting illegally.
(I'm sure I've made this point already...)
Yes, I read your post. It was quite an offensive sweeping generalisation, based soley on nationality. I would also say that to be honourable is an absolute.
This is not acting illegally.
(I'm sure I've made this point already...)
We have had anit-bribery laws in Ireland since 2001. Making a counter claim does not change this, no matter how often it is made.
We have had anit-bribery laws in Ireland since 2001. Making a counter claim does not change this, no matter how often it is made.
Now post the source, so I can see how these particular laws are phrased. Maybe the IDA are acting illegally after all.

I would also say that to be honourable is an absolute.
I agree. That's why I said "more honourable", thus making it relative.
How can something be both absolute, and relative? - are we getting into quantum theory here?