Castro steps down.

So what alternative do you propose?
Well I don't want to go off topic, but than again I wouldn't mind a critique on the idea.

People are 'elected' to posts because of their proven skills and track record. Replace government with an academia style institution. Any one is free to enrol, and the cream make it to the top.

For example;
Joe wants to study transport to become a transport minister. He leaves school and enrols in the institution. There are seven or eight other people in his class. He spends 3 or 4 years learning all about transport policies, and what other countries have done and what was successful etc. He develops a passion for transport. When he reaches the final year, he can be voted to 'power' by his peers. Throughout his term, he draws idea and direction from his past classmates.

This will ensure that we get the best people for the job, and not some clown that looks good in election posters. Do this for every government department.

Referendums should still be held for certain issues.
In the USA the president often appoints heads of departments from academia or industry who have an expertise or track record in that area. They spend a few years in public service and then they go back to their old life. I think it's a great idea.
Ministers don’t have to be TD’s in Ireland Senators can be appointed. Since Bertie can appoint Senators he could pick anyone from any walk of life, make him a Senator and then a minister. Garret Fitzgerald did just that when he was in Bertie’s shoes.
The problem with that is we are still stuck with dead wood at the top.

If a decision is made, I'd like to know there was a good reason behind it. eg, "We are not integrating public transport in Dublin because it was tried in hungary in 1982 and blah... blah... " not "We are not integrating public transport because of <insert some self-serving crap>"
On the subject of sustainability, the least 'developed' countries of the world are all much better placed for long-term survival as they use so little fossil fuels.

Really? So say Ireland was truly self sufficient and we lived off the food produced in the country what happens when our main crop fails for a number of years?

In fact having mutual dependencies between countries is a good thing. You are less likely to attack you neighbour if you are dependent on him for a vital need and visa versa.

Replace government with an academia style institution. Any one is free to enrol, and the cream make it to the top.
And they are answerable to whom? And how?
And they are answerable to whom? And how?
They can be judged by their successes (or failures).
Who are the current government answerable to? - all we seem to hear about is tribunals and corruption etc.
Where are they? Everyone I meet denies voting for Fianna Fail. I am convinced 'The People' is the name of an old man living out in Kerry.

Clearly youve met all my friends, family, co-workers and woman i chatted to at the bus stop so
I was in Cuba for a holiday last summer, and have to say that it was my best holiday ever.

I loved the country, its history, its people, its weather, the vibe, the music etc, and appreciate how good a health system and education system they have, but I'm not sure I'd want to live there.
He stood up to American bullying, and he did it with flair and intelligence.
Kim Jong-il also stood up to American “bullying”. Do you admire him as well?

So if a communist dictator took over Ibiza you would be cool with that too, since it’s just as Dionysian as Cuba was?
Castro did genuinely try to help his people, and he did some very worthwhile things.
By depriving them of their freedom? Other countries in Europe did great things like drain marshes and building motorways when they did the same thing. Worthwhile things can be achieved without taking away peoples freedom.

So why is the USA so much richer and more successful? With all those smart people how come the country is so poor? Or are the evil Americans to blame for that as well?

He resisted numerous murder attempts by the CIA and its agents, he resisted an invasion, and he withstood a senseless embargo.
Opposing a totalitarian dictator is not senseless.

These facts tell us something about Castro not widely appreciated in the U.S. and some countries in Europe. He was a popular figure despite having opponents just as all politicians do.
If he’s that popular why the secret police, why the oppression and why no democracy? How popular do you think he would have been if there was freedom of the press in Cuba for the last 40 odd years?

Castro's only flaw was that of all dictators, he wouldn't hand over power. Like most "communist" dictators he found out that the latter part of Marxism, the withering away of the power of the state, will never happen in human society.
His only flaw? So being a dictator is not a flaw, it’s just the not handing over power to another dictator that you have a problem with?

Personally I’d prefer to live in a country that allows self-determination and freedom of expression. I’d prefer to be free than be rich. I’d prefer to have liberty than a good health service.
Interesting thread.. which strayed from the original questioning of the attitude of RTE...

Was Bush really democratically elected when he first got into power ?

Why is it that to get real justice in a lot of situations anywhere in the west you need the money to pay for the right (or any) lawyers ?
By depriving them of their freedom? Other countries in Europe did great things like drain marshes and building motorways when they did the same thing. Worthwhile things can be achieved without taking away peoples freedom.
All governments, deny people's freedoms. Governments, govern, and you can't have this without loss of freedom. No matter how many times you imply we're free, it doesn't make it so.

The birds are free.
All governments, deny people's freedoms. Governments, govern, and you can't have this without loss of freedom. No matter how many times you imply we're free, it doesn't make it so.

The birds are free.
Communal living and civilisation necessitate that we give up some freedoms. For example we do not have the freedom to steal, the freedom to kill or the freedom to rape. To suggest that these limits and others, which are necessary in order to make a free and democratic society work, are somehow comparable to totalitarian dictatorship is absurd.

It's very easy to have committed doctors who work for a pittance when you hold their family to ransom. Kids are likely to excel in state exams when there is a possibility their parents will disappear if they don't.

The long term survival of your family usually depends on them having enough food to stave off starvation. This is not something that is assured in Cuba's miracle economy.

This is nonsense. The most efficient users of fuel in the entire world are the United States, Germany and Japan. The least efficient are Russia, India and China. If any countries is going to adapt well to fossil fuel shortages it will be those that are technologically advanced and have fostered a culture of innovation rather than state dependency.

Take oil away form us and we revert to the pre-stoneage.

So if you can't fill your car with petrol some morning you're likely to start hunting for Mastadon?

All governments, deny people's freedoms. Governments, govern, and you can't have this without loss of freedom. No matter how many times you imply we're free, it doesn't make it so.

This is an embarrassingly trite statement. Like suggesting there was no point abolishing slavery because the descendants of slaves still need to work for a living.

All governments by necessity impinge on our freedoms. The trick is to push for the form of government that restricts freedoms the least and newsflash, that ain't Marxism.
Objective history will show what a great man Castro was. He will be seen for what he achieved rather than the spin of those who disliked him.

He was not perfect in his decisions but either is America and they supported some of the worst despots that ever existed.
Objective history will show what a great man Castro was. He will be seen for what he achieved rather than the spin of those who disliked him.
What about the other communist dictators from the last 70 years, are you a big fan of those "great men" as well?