Castletownbere West Cork any thoughts


Registered User
hi all,
could anybody enlighten me on the above.In general about the area,how hard is it to get planning,has there been much building recently etc
fully appreciated
Hi there

I lived close to Castletowndere about 10 years ago ( a beautiful spot ) and back then getting planning was extremely difficult. The whole of west Cork/Kerry has since become an extremely expensive place to buy. You may want to consider buying a rundown cottage or something similar and renovating- if there are any left.

best of luck
From experience, very hard get planning and you'll pay a premium for a decent site with planning.

I know of a few sites for sale in the area (subject to planning). Not sure what the situation is with regards to local needs. Drop me a PM if you want me to look into it for you.
and many houses out beyond there suffer from subsidence as it was the biggest copper mine in the world once !
paul thanks for the offer a friend of a friend is looking into a site down there for us and the chances of planning..the only thing is the auctioneer is a bit gruff and told me that he hadn't spoken to the sites owner in 3 years so he didn't know if it was still for sale.. very strange indeed
Not that strange. A lot of auctioneers are steering clear of sites due to the complex planning issues. You'll hear stories of people selling sites subject to planning only to pull out when the buyer obtained the planning. Probably a sign of the times and the property boom where Estate Agents will turn their nose up at a sale...

Best of luck with your search and if you do want me to get some info for you, let me know...
Castletownbere is a beautiful place for 3 months of the year but for the other 9 it is pretty bleak. On a wet day there if you were in any way suicidal if could push you over the edge..