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Having searched all over Dublin for a house we finally settled on Castleknock, as the best value / ammenities / neighbourhood.

I have always thought of c'knock as one of the better addresses but I have recently been told its not as good as it was ?

Any thoughts? We are due to sign next week!
its a nice place, what exactly is bad press about the place u heard of? other than the traffic, u cannot get away unless u live in the city.driving thru phoenix park to Castleknock is not too bad.
I've always thought it an excellent neighbourhood, and am proud to able to live there, but the wifes friend said there was something on the telly about it having gone a bit down hill?

Jealousy I suspect tbh
well the house price in the area saids it all.i can tell the same price u paying u can get a bigger house in a lesser area. i would say the price will be a good indicator.
and sometim odd case do happen in certain area.but u need to see the overall picture.e.g.Ballsbridge is a nice area, but does that mean its a crime free area..don't think so
I think your wifes friend may have been referring to some anti social behaviour thats been publicised on some estates in CK. Groups of young lads etc
Possibly the fact that the Castleknock address now spreads up from Ashtown and in from Clonee is what the problem is - The Estate Agents refer to everywhere as CK now.
I lived there for 2 years and found it nice. Traffic is chronic though.
I have lived in Castleknock most of mylife and personally think it is a great area. However it does seem to be ever expanding. What I would classify as blanchardstown/carpenterstown etc now seem to fall under the name castleknock. If you are not within 3 - 5 mins walking distance of Myos pub you are not in Castleknock :)
I have lived in Castleknock most of mylife and personally think it is a great area. However it does seem to be ever expanding. What I would classify as blanchardstown/carpenterstown etc now seem to fall under the name castleknock. If you are not within 3 - 5 mins walking distance of Myos pub you are not in Castleknock :)

Scribs you must live in a very small world or maybe your just small minded.! Carpenterstown is no where near Blanch. If you use your logic, most estates which are actually in Blanchardstown are not in Blanchardstown, well that is if you use your logic because most are not within 5 minutes walk of Blanchardstown village.

Furthermore, for those who do not know the area Castleknock Village is closer to Blanchardstown Village than the center of Carpenterstown is to Blanch. For residents of Carpenterstown to get too Blanchardstown they must pass through either Clonsilla or Coolmine. Residents of Carpenterstown making their way home from the city must pass through one village and one village only to get home, that village is Castleknock, if you fancy a long drive you could continue on to Blach Village up to the Blanch SC and driving another 2 and a half mils from the SC get back to Carpenterstown a trip of more than 4 miles.

By the way Scribs where did you buy your first house!

Castleknock was once a small village, it no longer is. The lands surounding it were always in the Barony of Castleknock. The same could be said for every old Village in Dublin.

RobAmerc, where did you buy and welcome to the peaceful land of Castleknock.
I'm confused by the above post. Are you suggesting that Carpenterstown is actually in Castleknock? :)

I think Clontarf is in the Barony of Coolock, for those of you who like to put credence in our old colonial subdivisions.
Trying to get into castleknock village is one of the most arduous tasks imaginable - the traffic is absolutely unbelievable, all the time.
Scribs you must live in a very small world or maybe your just small minded.! Carpenterstown is no where near Blanch.

I don't think Scribs was saying Blanch and Carpenterstown are beside each other. I think he was saying that EA's and many other people call areas such as Carpenterstown and Blanch (and Clonee, etc,) Castleknock.
Thanks for the welcome.
We are moving to Castleknock Grange.

Turns out the wifes mate was talking of another area in Dublin which begins with C, I will not mention it as I dont want to upset anyone.

Can I presume that "Castleknock" is in the name that it is considered Castleknock ?:)
It is Castleknock, although sometimes having the name does not always gurantee that you are in the area.
I have always thought of c'knock as one of the better addresses but I have recently been told its not as good as it was ?

Because, you have other parts of Dublin 15 Like blanch calling themselves castleknock!!!!!
Thanks for the welcome.
We are moving to Castleknock Grange.

Turns out the wifes mate was talking of another area in Dublin which begins with C, I will not mention it as I dont want to upset anyone.

Can I presume that "Castleknock" is in the name that it is considered Castleknock ?:)

Lots of posts on what really is in castleknock. do a search

I grew up in and bought in Castleknock and Castleknock always ended where the M50 is and anybody who lives in that area will tell you the same.

Even the people in laurel lodge, where your house is are snobby about carpenterstown saying well thats not laurel lodge
This has been discussed at length on another post which I can't find yet. DEDs are the modern adminstrative boundaries.

Castleknock Park DED and Castleknock Knockmaroon DED include the village and most of the new housing in Carpenterstown respectively
Thanks for the welcome.
We are moving to Castleknock Grange.

Turns out the wifes mate was talking of another area in Dublin which begins with C, I will not mention it as I dont want to upset anyone.

Can I presume that "Castleknock" is in the name that it is considered Castleknock ?:)

Your quick off the mark RodAMerc, i take it your decision was made up before you started the tread? I hope you got to see the house before putting pen to paper. Laurel Lodge is a nice estate so best of luck with your new home.

I'm a curious person by nature,(hence being on this site!:) ) can you tell me where the estate was which you heard bad things about and how you managed to mix it up with Castleknock?. If you don't wish to post you can send me a PM .......... but only if you want!
Your quick off the mark RodAMerc, i take it your decision was made up before you started the tread? I hope you got to see the house before putting pen to paper. Laurel Lodge is a nice estate so best of luck with your new home.

I'm a curious person by nature,(hence being on this site!:) ) can you tell me where the estate was which you heard bad things about and how you managed to mix it up with Castleknock?. If you don't wish to post you can send me a PM .......... but only if you want!

We signed yesterday, so I am officially a Castleknocker ??
Thanks for the good luck !
I dont want to poo poo anywhere but it was a mix up by my wifes friend between Castleknock and Clondalkin.
Not sure how she made the mistake but there you go. (Shes not from or living in Dublin just commenting out of turn)