Cashing a cheque


Registered User

Just wondering that if you get a cheque from a company who bank with AIB for example if you go to the bank and branch that they deal with can they cash the cheque straight away. I know years ago that if you went to the branch of the bank that cheque relates to that they would cash it. Does this still stand? Or would they maybe give you a draft?
No banks wont cash cheques any more you have to lodge them. There is a notice to that effect in most banks.
My local bank will cash cheques that are drawn on that branch as long as you provide ID.
Also if the Cheque is "crossed" there is no way it cannot be cashed (in the limited amount of branches that may facilitate you) and must be lodged into an account
It is getting to the stage where you can't cash cheques anywhere now; shops, petrol stations etc - several of which I have been in recently have signs stating this; just not secure I guess
Have you tried your local Post Office? They cash Social Welfare cheques under 1200 euro, so may be able to help you - as long as it's not crossed of course!