Cash Registers


Registered User

Whilst doing some research and making some enquiries about cash registers I consistently find that the prices quoted for registers from Irish companies/installers are over 100% more expensive than buying the same register from a retailer in the UK and getting it shipped here.

The only two things that are holding me back from going ahead and purchasing from the UK is that I'm not sure how easy it would be to set up and also how easy it would be to organise an ongoing maintenance contract with someone.

For example, a lot of the registers I'm looking at cost in the region of €230 including VAT and delivery from the UK but I'm being quoted prices of €450 to €595 + VAT from Irish companies for the same model machine.

The Irish companies do offer to set up the cash register and are just a phone call away if there were any problems, however I'm not sure if this justifies a 140% price difference.

Has anyone had any similar experiences?
do you know if these registers (basic enough models...not touch screen) are easy to set up initially and whether there is anyone out there that offers maintenance/service contracts?

yes, the Irish companies that sell cash registers are - or at least were last year - double the price of the UK companies. Talk about rip off Ireland. Definitely go with the UK prices. A close friend got one over the net , the exact same make + model here in Ireland was over double the price, even after taking currency rates in to account. A good set up booklet came with the machine, + full phone support was available from the UK, which was not needed.