"Cash only" transactions


Registered User
My wife went to a local reputable furniture shop to buy some furnishings to the value of €200. When she went to pay for it by laser, the shop assistant refused, and said that only cash would be acceptable. Is that an example of the black economy at work ?
Not necessarily, retailers can be charged by the banks for credit card transactions (not sure about debit cards). in addition, some retailers are no longer being given the means to accept cards. For example, one chain of newsagents where I live had the facility withdrawn by their bank for a month or so before they made arrangements with another bank
Are you sure that the reputable furniture shop said they only take cash ?
Is it possible that they said they don 't take Laser- which is increasingly refused by shops recently - and that cash would be acceptable ? That is, cash rather than Laser.

Very few people carry hundreds of euros cash. Considering that most items in a furniture shop cost large amounts then the shop would close in a week if they only took cash.
I would be iffy parting with cash to a furniture store unless I could take the good with me there and then with a proper receipt. There were a few cases I've heard about where people ordered furniture and the company went wallop with their cash/deposits.

That's the first thing I thought about aswell.

Many thanks for all the kind responses. My wife purchased the item for cash, got a receipt and took the item with her in the boot of her car ! They refused a laser transaction. Not sure what the deal is with credit cards. She doesn't have a credit card. Doesn't want one, thank god. I heard through the grapevine that the furniture shop is "in trouble" and is on the verge of closing down. Sad if it's true. It's a fine shop