Carzone - what are they doing?


Registered User
What are they doing at Carzone? I believe Autotrader have bought them. I wonder are they trying to ruin the site with their changes? No free renewal of ads, increases of charges, loads of scam ads, and now they redesign the search so its far less useful than before. Also its really slow.

I don't find online car sales as good as traditional print ads. But its has it use. What alternatives to Carzone do people use?
When selling my last car, I used Carzone, and Buy & Sell. Carzone was the main one, I could see that over 700 people had viewed the car in the 6 weeks I had it on. I'm sorry to hear that it is deteriorating as I would have considered it as the best and most essential online site in which to sell your car.
I bought my last car on it, but last year we had zero success in selling a different car throught it. No response after about 6 weeks. 2 days in the evening paper and it was sold. Looking for a car at the moment and I keep getting scammer ads.
What are they doing at Carzone? I believe Autotrader have bought them. I wonder are they trying to ruin the site with their changes? No free renewal of ads, increases of charges, loads of scam ads, and now they redesign the search so its far less useful than before. Also its really slow.
I e-mailed them with such sentiments, they have made the site so complicated and unecessarily time consuming, it used to be so simple which was the attraction, you got to where you wanted to go fast, but not now :(
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They've been steadily ruining the site for ages now. It used to be very easy to use but it's becoming less and less user-friendly. It still has more cars on it though than any other site and if I was buying I'd definately still use it.
Actually I've been using Carzone search with safari and it works much better as Safari is much faster.
I did. I find Safari faster, also I couldn't sort my bookmarks in Chrome. I was waiting for the next release. I usually use IE7 (Need it for work) + IE7Pro, only use Safari for slow sites.