Carrigtwohill or Glanmire



Hi, I've just moved to Cork and renting in Douglas at the moment - am looking to buy a 3 bed semi-d but couldnt afford anything i nDouglas/Rochestown/Marybor. - what is people's opinions about Carrigtohill and Glanmire? Carrigtohill village seems to need a re-vamp - is there plans to re-energise the town? The price for Castlelake/Cul Ard etc is circa €320k - is there anyone living in these new developments - what are they like? Rocklands seems lovely but I would say much more expensive?

As for Glanmire, dont know much about the place - is it a nice area?

I wouldnt be able to spend more than €350k and also hope to rent out a room or two to help with mortgage
Re: Carrigtohill or Glanmire

Glanmire is closer to town to C'2hill - that would sway it for me. or else try grange which is very near Douglas and look for a second hand there - traditionally not a "good" area but then I do know a few singletons who have moved there and like it.
Re: Carrigtohill or Glanmire

New mid terraces in Leghanamore just released with Irish & European for 349,950. Think the development is called Manor Farm.
Re: Carrigtohill or Glanmire

New mid terraces in Leghanamore just released with Irish & European for 349,950. Think the development is called Manor Farm.

A mid terrece near enough togher to be deemed togher by many - i think it is far too much and you could get a finer house in the other 2 areas mentioned for the same money.
Is Amgen going to increase walue of houses in Carrigtohill or do you think it will make a difference?
let me look into my crystal ball....
Honestly no, I don't think so. They are generating 300/400 jobs and of those I doubt if there is going to be an influx of people to fill them - the jobs are already being filled at the moment as the company are headhunting from the pharma sector - folks who already are living in the Cork area.

Where you work/travel to each day must also be drawn into the decision making process too.
Would you consider midleton?. I know it is further out from the City than Carrigtwohill or Glamire but there is a lot more to do there at the weekend such as cinema, restuarants, pubs, shops etc. Glamire is nicer than Carrigtwohill in my opinion and closer to the city but it is just a mass of houses with not enough amenities it is just a commuter village really but it depends on what you are looking for.
Keep away from castlelake. Way over priced, not well built - not sure if I can post this!

I think Castlelake are pretty cheap (on the scale of things) and considering Carrigtwohill is due to have a stop on the Midleton/Cork new rail link I think the houses there are extremely cheap. Especially considering what LUAS stops did to house prices in Dublin.
A lot of construction going on in Castlelake at the minute but once it is finished I think it has the potential to be a very nice estate.
I really dont think castlelake is cheap - not if you consider the quality of the houses. There was a time when houses were well built now they are just being thrown up by greedy developers out to make as much money as they can. Whats worse is people are willing to pay just because an estate is presented well in a brochure. Do you think these houses will be standing in 100 years time. If I was to buy a new house I would try to find out about the build quality from a carpenter or other tradesman who worked on the site. They get to see what goes on behind the scenes and usually have no great loyalty to the developer.

What you are quoting above is no different or no worse from any other estate that is being built in Cork/Ireland at this moment in time. Therefore, Castlelake is no better or worse that any new estate in Ireland. I agree with you in that the building standards of yesteryear are lacking today but to single out one estate for particular criticism in a little unfair.
I have no vested interest in Castlelake but I know Carrigtwohill well and I like the town.
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I agree Carrigtwohill is a lovely place. I know quite a few people that live there and they have nothing but good things to say about the town. The original posting asked about Castlelake in particular that is why I mentioned it. Because I have a lot of family members in the building trade, I hear them giving out or commending the quality of estates they and their friends have worked on. Alot of it seems to be down to the foremen as to the quailty they want, how much pressure they are on to finish a job and what trade they came from originally themselves.
I was in exactly your predicament about this time last year. Ended up buying in Fota Rock, Carrigtwohill. Typical 3 bed starter homes. Luckily I got in for the 317500.

The village itself is a bit scruffy and maybe needs a little updating. It has a good community feel centred on the GAA club. There are 5 pubs and all are fine in their own way. There are two decent supermarkets; a few Indian and chineese restaurants and a few other bits and pieces.

Both Mrs Wonko and myself work in the city and the commute is reasonable; rarely taking over 30-35 minutes. Most of that is in tivoli. It took me longer to walk to work in the city.

have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the 'tool when I moved out there as a native Wesht Cork man living in the city for years I didn't know the area that well.

In addition Midleton is only down the road if you fancy some other diversions and you can be in Mahon point quickly through the tunnel if you are feeling particularly masochistic.

My only concern that the Estates being built around the village are massive and I hope it is all thought out fully. What i cannot understand is that on weeknights the pubs are never packed with the exception of "The Castle" and everyone seems to know one another. Are we the only people in the "New Houses" who stir out in the village at all.
What i cannot understand is that on weeknights the pubs are never packed with the exception of "The Castle" and everyone seems to know one another. Are we the only people in the "New Houses" who stir out in the village at all.
Maybe you've found the one part of Ireland thats not full of alcoholics! I live across from three city pubs and it has turned me off pubs for life!!
Not sure that anyone who frequents a pub is an alcoholic except on Home and Away.

Meant weekends rather than weeknights in my post
IAre we the only people in the "New Houses" who stir out in the village at all.

Nope, myself and a few others on here head out when we can.

The evenings of Cork matches are a great buzz in the town. When we win...

Yea, I must admit I've grown to like the place. It's on the cusp of being a really nice commuter town with the rail track coming on-line. I like the pubs that leave the back door open, the chippers that serve real chips, it gives you back what you put in. Recently a nice florist and gift shop have opened in the town, showing other shope owners the potential of their premises.

With regard to housing, there's lots of it, and plans for more, I can see a lack of teenage amenitys in the town in years to come. The fella who opens a juice / pool room / late night coffee bar in this town will make a mint in the middle future.

Trafffic can be a problem if there is an (all too often lately) rear end on the way in to town. But in general, with correct sequencing of the Dunkettle Roundabout lights, you're 25-30 mins in town.

Cul Ard & Fota Rock have been built solidly. I must admit I've heard the stories about Castle Lake but I'm not convinced it's estate-wide.

Prices are solid enough. The Amgem factor has helped. I think there will be a lot of jobs from it plus the construction workers will need a place to kip.

Glanmires lack soul. Carrig has Carrig-ter.

the chippers that serve real chips, it gives you back what you put in. BM

Funny you mention this; its my major flaw with the village. One chipper has nice chips but burgers are awful. The other one always undercooks the chips. They also close very early so the lack of a nose bag after a porter induced false hunger can lead to frustration.

All in all I am very happy with my move.

They made their money years ago...I thought there was a Lennox's opening in the town.

Tell ya what, let's open WonkoBrianz - Carrig's newest Chippers. We'll open at closing time!