Carpet Stairs v Wooden Stairs Better or Worse ?


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Getting wooden floors put upstairs in the house but debating if we will put wooden stairs in??

Seemingly you can get these put n stairs or something similar... true ?

Covered stairs with Carpet but dirt just goes into them so sick of cleaning them

Stairs are wooden underneath carpet but not sure if to fit wooden floor planks on top

So if I go with the carpet so hard to keep clean.....

Wooden stairs dont know anyone ?
If you have young kids, I'd put carpet. We recently put carpet as our then 3 year old fell down the stairs backwards on her back. Thankfully nothing but bruised back and broken collar bone - have little boy now who is complete terror so if anyone is going to go down them he will...we opted for carpet to cushion his fall in that event! Otherwise we lived with varnished wooden stairs (original in house) for 10 years, I thought they were great, easy to sweep clean of dog hairs etc, a bit noisy but then again we've wood downstairs too, so you'd hardly get used to clompy feet sounds. We only varnished them once in low maintenance. Carpet does look a little more 'finished' and plush I suppose, we went for grey/brown type carpet so you hardly see the dirt. Also we take shoes off at the bottom step. Never heard of put n stairs.