carpenter put a hole and a crack in my bath - what to do about it


Registered User
I’m quite annoyed. We have re-done our whole bathroom and en-suite, completely new with new tiles (tiled all around), new bathroom fixtures, everything new. We managed this with neither the plumber or the tiler making any marks whatsoever in either the tiles or the fixtures. Then we called a carpenter to make a small bath-side panel to be tiled on and he managed a tiny crack on 2 tiles, plus a long-ish (3 inches) crack on the side of the bath. The crack is not huge but it’s quite visible. Am I right to be annoyed or am I over-reacting?
Re: Carpenter made a crack on the bath

Minor cracks may be disguised quite well by going over them with grout
Re: Carpenter made a crack on the bath

Thanks Phoenix, I'll try this. It still annoyes me though, that the tiler's and the plumber's job was, say, 20 times (at least) bigger than the one of the carpenter's (he barely spent an hour on the house) and he has managed to put 3 cracks were the other two guys working for one week (and cutting tiles and making holes on them) managed to go without them! I am considering not paying him... (the carpenter).
Re: Carpenter made a crack on the bath

Dont pay him - simple. He was supposed to give you a satisfactory job done. bbbbzzzz. he did not. thats grounds not to pay him. And if he gives you any hassle - say would you prefer i paid you and then bad mouthed you off to 25 people? He will say no. he relies on good word of mouth for work.
Re: Carpenter made a crack on the bath

I'm sure he wouldn't want to be charged for the damage he caused,
pull the invoice for the bath and tell him he's getting off lightly...
Re: Carpenter made a crack on the bath

Well, unfortunately it's too late now, husband did not see the crack at first and paid him on the spot. Oh well, you live and learn. The guy was going to do some work for one of my relatives... well he won't now when the relatives hear my story.
Hi Guys
I am looking for some advice here. I posted before, regarding a carpenter who came to my completely new bathroom with completely new fixtures and managed to put a 2 inches crack in the bath and two tiles. Yesterday on still closer inspection I discovered that there is also a hole in the bath, quite noticeable. Unfortunately we were a bit naive and paid the guy before inspecting the work closely. Now I am in talks with him but he has not been very cooperative - I doubt he will give us the money back and he won't hear a word about compensation. I am going to consult with the office of consumer affairs but was wondering if any of you would have any idea of what to do with this other than take him to the small claims court.
Did the carpenter accept responsibility for the damage when you spoke with him?

Hi Marion

Well he said he'll come and look at it, he has not accepted anything. He asked "how do you know it was me?" simple answer: you can actually see the tip of the screw through the hole! So it's quite obvious who was responsible for it... of course there's no way of proving he's responsible for the crack as well (although it is obvious if you look at the position of the crack in relation to the panel) but the hole is the worst damage in any case.
Pueyso, I presume that you have arranged a time when he will visit to look at the problem.

You should take picture(s) of the bath and surrounding tiles that clearly identifies the problem.

Try and come to a suitable arrangement with him. If he is totally unreliable and fails to show up you will have to consider taking the case to the Small Claims Court.
