Carnew Co Wicklow


Registered User
Just wondering if anyone had any thoghts on this area ?
Does anyone commute from here to Dublin using the Arklow/Rathdrum train ???

All thoughts greatly appreciated
Re: Carnew

If you are not certifiable now, you would be after 6 months of a commute like that. It would take 20mins to drive to Gorey. Train leaves Gorey at 6.45

Every morning you are leaving your house at 6.15am
Every evening you are not getting home until 8pm.

You are commuting 6 hours a day.
Thank you for reply.
As we are almost certifiable form the house hunting/sale agreed/falling through we will still have to look at this area as original area is starting to creep up beyond budget. Husband would have to commute two days a week using the method you described. We really want to complete a sale so will have to look into it but thanks for letting us know.