Carmen Lawn, Belmont, Rochestown, Cork


Registered User

We agreed a price in MArch and are still waiting to sign - apparently there is a problem with electricity coming into the development.

Just wondering is there anyone else in the same boots out there awaiting info.

Also we were never informed that there would be a delay like this - have we any recource outside getting out deposit back.
You are entitled to your deposit back up until you sign the contracts. This would be stated on your booking deposit.
Main reason for ESB not being connected would be that the electrians on site not having submitted there RECI cert. (RECI cert is done when second fix is finished) ESB connect in approx 12 weeks from recieving initial application.
Thank you for your response Clodagh,

I dont think this is the case though - the house is in the exact same stage as it was 3 months ago when we laid down deposit. Everything is complete except no floors are down (wooden floors part of the contract) no fireplace and no kitchen. If it was apparent that some work was being done I would feel more confident. Especially when others are biting the hands of you to buy.

When we ask for more information - we are told (2 Weeks Later) that there is a problem with the electricity (not very detailed explanation) - then when we ask when its expected to be resolved - we're just told they dont know. All the houses seems to be in the same state - so I'm assuming its an Estate electricity problem and not an individual house problem.

I understand these things take time - and we're in no rush - but who would wait around to that kind of response. Obviously we cant plan anything around it.

And in general shouldnt they keep you more informed - Should'nt we have been told at the time we agreed the deposit that there was going to be a long delay - we distinclty told the vendor that we under time pressures and wanted to be in as soon as possible. Now interest rates have gone up and are continuing to rise (Big difference between March and June - we are hoping to fix in for 2 years) - the delay is literally costing us money - as there is no proper response giving us realistic times of resolution.

Laughable at this stage -

Would love to hear from some other buyers of these houses.
I do not know what could be causing the delay but I do know that these houses have appeared finished (driveways laid, green areas grassed, houses cleaned down) since early 2007. Could you bypass the Auctioneer and talk directly to the Developer?
Hey Dee,
We have gone down a few routes - we have a friend who is a friend of the estate agents - he tried to sus out what was going on and got nowhere. I know the company name of the developer but am unsure about contacting them directly

At this stage its our solicitor talking to they're solicitor (And not hearing much back)

Its hard to know at this stage - think we'll be requesting our deposit back in the relative near future.

We told our solicitor to tell they're solicitor that we weren't happy at all with the lack of communication coming from they're side. We have also stated that unless we hear a lot more information by Friday it is our intention to request the deposit back

I dont think there will be an issue getting the deposit back if it come to it - but who knows - the whole process with this devleopment seems to be clouded in mystery.

Such a pity though - lovily development - shame about the middlemen on their side!
Not aware of this development but find it difficult to understand why a builder might hold up finishing a house thereby getting funds especially in present financial climate. I would make contact with the builder/developer.
Just to keep everyone updated.

This is where we are - on Tuesday we said we wanted our deposit back to the solicitor - she contacted the sellers solicitors and informed them that we were requesting the deposit back - he asked for a day to see what was going on with the houses.

Our plan is to leave it till Friday evening and then request our deposit back no matter whatr they say.

At this point i couldn't be bother getting in contact with the builder - deep down I know I'm not going to hear anything before Friday and am happy in the taught of just getting the deposit back and walking away from this joke of a development.

This guy is obviously the only builder in Ireland at the moment who doesnt want to sell houses.
Even if there is a genuine reason for delay - the lack of communication tactic to bide time doesnt work - just makes people suspicious and want out.

Will keep you guys posted - below is the lkink to the house on the daft website - still some available - even more shortly!!![agent_id]=2207&s[p]=upwwxpxv
I drove into this development in early 2007 (March or April I think) and noticed that they were finished but all empty except for one which was clearly lived in.
I drove in again last night and it looked the exact same as it did over a year ago! Still just one house lived in. The first empty house to the right as you go in still had the same Sold sign on it... this seems very strange given the good location, even in these uncertain times. The development is very well maintained - someone is clearly taking care of the grass, shrubs, etc. I wonder could there be a problem with the title of the houses?
Hey Dee,
The one that is lived in is actually the son of the developer as far as I know. I was assuming that whatever the 'problem' with the electricity was - meant that title couldnt be signed over on the rest. But why would something liek this take over a year to resolve!

I hope to hear more over the coming days and will keep you posted
There's something fishy there alright.

Have been interested in those houses too, - but in no rush to move given the current market
Have been into that estate a few times now over the last year, and as the other posters say, little or no progress, lots of as good as finished houses but no sign of anyone moving in. All very strange and suspect.

Possible there could be a problem with the title, or a planning problem , - eg. even some digression or otherwise from the original planning permission thats now causing a problem. The electricity thing might be a possible reason, but as you say, hard to believe it would be the cause of things dragging on so long.

As you say, the lack of communication really doesn't inspire confidence.

Possible the developer is in some financial trouble, but one would expect that they would be eager to close deals in this case. Might be that they're too far gone though...

Keep us posted, hopefully a reasonable answer will turn up
Fishy indeed - I would advise for the moment Raven to stay as far away as possible from this development - if that changes I will let you know.

Solicitor is suppose to be back in contact today - will update once I know more.
Ok well a bit of an update anyway.

Solicitor got back to ours this morning and said the work they were waiting on should be complete on Wednesday - with papers been organised shortly afterwards. He also gave me the number of the builder as we had requested that.

When I rang the builder he told me realistic paper signing time is September - he said he hoped sooner but couldn't guarantee. In fairness to him he sounded reliable and realistic - as opposed to the solicitor who we get the impression is just telling us what we want to hear - with the constantly moving goalposts.

At this point we are going to think about it tonight - not sure what we want to do yet. If we dont request the deposit back we will be looking for a 10k reduction in the price to allow for additional costs we have incurred due to the time delay and the move in prices on houses in general. (Remembering we put the deposit down in March!)

Not sure if the builder will go for it - but at this stage it will be a case of us sayting take it or leave it - and moving on if he decides he doesnt want to reduce.

Will keep you all updated.
My advice to you is to walk away. The builder is obviously having "cash flow" problems. Why don't you go for a second hand house at a knock down price ? I'm sure you could pick up one with much less hassle than you are getting !
Besides, it's the builders holiday now and many have no jobs to go back to.
It's likely it will go that way.
To be honest its never really been a question of value for money though - we feel the house is good value - even in the current climate - the location is very good and in fairness it ticks all our boxes.
Outside this the only issue ever was the delay -
Anyway like i said we definelty have some thinking to do -
Hey Raven - he said the delay is got to do with getting power into a pump station at the end of the site. We actually drove out there last night to look - there is an actual pump house there (Built within the last 2 months) - and there does seem to be some electricity cabinets located close by.

When I was talking to the builder he said a realistic time for being in the house is 'End of September'

He is going to meet us on-site at some stage to discuss - probobly Wednesday or Thursday - I'll update you then.

We'll wait and see what comes of that.
Thanks Techie, would be interested to hear.
Still considering one of these. Probably won't be ready to buy until after next Xmas regardless of which way the market is going (want to have a certain amount of cash on hand at a minimum).
As you say, these are nice houses, and location is good. Think the detached ones (which we're interested in) were realisticly priced at least for 6 months ago, though they're probably beginning to teeter on being overpriced in the current market.
Its probably unlikely that they'll still be available post Xmas anyway, you never know in the current market though.
OP - how about asking for a 10% reduction as opposed to 10k? Given that the houses have been sitting empty for over a year, for whatever reason (and I don't buy the ESB excuse - I suspect there is a problem with the title of the land), surely the Developer will jump at offers when he is finally able to sell them?
Think I would be asking for more than a 10K discount as well to be honest
My solicitor has assured me that there is no problem with the title - she said if she taught there was she would be pushing me to pull out.

As for everything else I'm really not sure - aftyer chatting last night we're not even sure we want to go down the road of being made wait anxioulsy again.

Suppose it will come down to the imporession we get on Thursday.