Carers Benefit (max allowed earnings question)


Registered User
In order to qualify for Carers Benefit there is a maximum weekly allowable earnings threshold of E450.

Is his threshold averaged across the year?

For example, if someone works part time 2 days every 2 weeks and breaches the threshold on the week they work are they then precluded? Or is there earnings averaged out in which case they would be withing the threshold?

I would imagine its averaged across the year because otherwise it woukdnt make sense operationally. You coukd have individuals earning above threshold on a given week but most week they be earning nothing. Have you read the operational guidelines?
I did read the guidelines but it doesnt deal with this question at all. It just says maximum earnings per week cannot exceed E450 in order to qualify.

Have done a general google as well and checked old threads on AAM but am non the wiser.

Maybe logic would dictate that it must be averaged?
As far as I know Carers Benefit earnings allowed is €450 per week, not averaged as it is linked to hours. One can not work over 18.5 hours per week or they not entitled to that weeks payment. They are strict on this rule. If it was averaged a person may be working over the 18.5 some weeks and under other weeks but still averaging €450.