Carer's Allowance - hospital stay



Hi all

Just wondering what the story is with the carer's allowance when the person being cared for has to be in hospital. How long can they stay there before the allowance is cut? My dad gets it for looking after my mam and he has just been told that the home help can't visit him while she is away.

My mother has been in hospital for about three weeks continuously this time but prior to that they were letting her out in between the tests. She was meant to come home this week but some extra complications have set in and we don't know how long she will be staying in. I think he could really do with the money as he has a 2 hour train trip every day (he does have the old age pass, so at least that is free) and has to sort out his meals when he gets to Dublin not to mention taxi fares from the station to the hospital. Anyway when he got the news about the home help (2 hours a week) it was just like yet another blow and a worry for them when they have so much to worry about already.

I tried looking up the government site but it gave no mention of this.

Samhain - The homehelp service is for the benefit of your mother and not your father, the service will be resumed when your mother returns from hospital.

If your mother is a pensioner the following applies re the Carers Allowance:
Illness/Hospital Stay

A Carer may continue to be regarded as providing full time care and attention to a pensioner while s/he or the person being cared for is undergoing medical treatment in a hospital or other institution for a period not longer than 13 weeks in a year.

If not, the onus is on the Carer to notify the Department of any change in circumstances which may affect a persons entitlement to a Carer's Allowance:
  • Change in means.
  • Change of address of Carer or person being cared for
  • Change of Post Office.
  • Death of person(s) being cared for
  • The Carer or the person being cared for leaves the State.
  • Person being cared for goes into hospital or institutional care
  • Carer goes into hospital
  • Carer no longer providing full time care and attention.
  • Carer returns to work.
  • Carer's spouse/partner returns to work
  • Death of a qualifed child
  • A no longer living with or being maintained by the Carer.
  • A child dependant who reaches 18 years (or 22 years if in full time education).
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