Carers alarm


Registered User
Hi all

I posted here on a number of occasions and found great ideas and help so here goes..

My mother is terminally ill and what Im looking for is some form of assistance alarm that she can have that will alert her carers 1 person by day and a second sleeps in the house by night.

Some form of unit she can have and two other units that the other people can carry around and will make a sound if she needs help

Any help would be great

Hi Noel...

Sad news about your mum... You have my best wishes... I'm caring for my mum who's in Kidney Failure, so I understand a little of what you're going through...

How about giving your mum a basic, easily used mobile phone with her daytime carer's number Speed Dialled into it?... All she'd need to do is press and hold the didgit that her carer's number is assigned to...

As for at night, a cheapie baby alarm will do the job...

Oh and I'm thinking of you and your mum...

God bless...

Hi there

Thanks a mill for the reply

Yes very sad but have to put those feelings to one side for the moment to help her

We have both these for her already just was looking for something she could just press and alarm would go off as she is very weak

All she has to do is press the appropriate speed dialled number on the phone...

Something as easily handled as this... Originally designed for use by very young children...

Are you in contact with the Hospice service???... They must have encountered this before, and should have ideas to share...

Again, I'll be thinking of, and praying for your mum and the family...

Perhaps if you get a chance, you might keep us informed of how things go...

God bless...

Hi Noel,

So sorry for your trouble, I've been there so have an idea what it's like for you.

Not sure from your post how far the daytime carer will be from your mother, but perhaps this [broken link removed] is the sort of thing you're looking for? It has a range of 100m and the carer could carry it around with them and all your mother would need to do is press the button to alert them.

Good luck and remember to look after yourself at this difficult time.