I am looking for advice on the best option (low charges etc.) card machine.
I am self employed and will be working within an established business(owned by another).
Is it possible to use one machine at different places of business?
I have never taken payments myself before, so any advice on how this works, will be much appreciated.Thanks!
This comes up from time to time. You need to have an idea of the volume of transactions you're going to be putting through.
The technology has moved on quickly, and there are a number of mobile options available which might work for you. If you're stuck, pop around to a local weekend market and see what the stall holders are using.
Costs can be a monthly standing charge, plus a small percentage of transactions, or alternatively no standing charge and then a larger percentage of transactions.
The Banks have started to get back into this space, so if you've a business account contact your bank and ask to speak with their payment acceptance department. Might give you some ideas, and a benchmark to compare others to.