Card jammed in ATM...should I be worried?



Just noticed on another thread.....


....someone mentioning that their card jammed in an ATM and not long after a transaction appeared on their account that they knew nothing about.

My card recently jammed in an ATM in a petrol station. I was finally able to free it but it was odd, never happened before.

Do these things just happen or should I be concerned, to the point of contacting my bank?? No strange transactions on my account so far, but wondered if it's a sign of shady carry-on??

If you have the slightest suspision that anything untoward has happened with your card, please do cancel it & request a new one. It only takes a phonecall & then you can stop worrying.

In my experience, cards that have been copied & abused before were not acted on for a few weeks. So don't wait & see. It might have been a simple matter that your card did get stuck but your bank won't mind you being cautious. We always say better safe than sorry.
As well as cancelling the card inform your bank about what happened. There will then be a record of what happened and also it gives them the opportunity to investigate the ATM for any potential interference.
When I was the victim a couple of years ago of about €1000 in fraudulent transactions, the bank told me there was no need to change the card. I was pretty incredulous at this and it made me suspicious - that perhaps there was no fraud going on, just system error. Anyway, I kept my card figuring that if the bank was prepared to pick up the tab for fraud, why should I incur new costs. So far no further trouble.
Ring the bank, change the card. Lots of people ignored jammed card warning and regret it afterward.