Car windscreen cleaners...aaargh!


Registered User
Has anyone else been accosted by these cleaners who try to clean your windscreen while you are stopped at traffic lights? I find it most annoying. I had to scream at the guy to stop and he still tried to continue. Eventually I had to get out of my car,square up to him to get him to leave my car alone. Are these guys allowed to do this? I have no problem with someone trying to make a bit of cash but what I find particulary rude is that they still try to continue even after I have told them that I dont want the service and to get away from my car. Any advice on how to deal with this annoynce?

Stop using a car and use a bicycle. There are more and more cycle lanes around....
There's not too many round now. It used to be a bigger thing a few years back. Roma kids.
I wouldn't recommend you getting out of your car, with all your things in, and the keys in the ignition!!. We have had then in Spain for quite a long time, and you have to be very careful, because they use the window cleaning as a bait, and when you are not looking they steal your bag, etc etc, and if you leave the car, they can even take your car!!! (like in that Coca Cola light add!)
Switching on the windscreens usually works, make sure that you have your windows rolled down, and the car is locked!
They are already in Cork!
Some options D )

Twist the nozzles for your window washer out a bit so that it sprays water wildly.
Rev your engine in a menacing way
Leave a space in front and when they start washing, inch forward very slowly...

Anyone got any more??
Just say thanks for that as you drive on with gleaming newly cleaned windows.
Just say thanks for that as you drive on with gleaming newly cleaned windows.

Or newly scratched windows. Sometimes they use river water, sewage or water with other debris.
I read this thread when it was first posted but had never experienced the windscreen cleaners until yesterday. I was sure once I said no thanks they would move on, the person continued to clean and I expalined cleary that I did not want my window cleaned but he ignored me, so I let him contine and decided that as I had expalined I didnt want them cleaned, I would simply not pay, when He asked for change I just reminded him I said no thanks & he moved on to do the next car to do the same. I think if everyone refused to pay if they intially declined the service eventually they may ask first. If they continue not to ask first then those who said no thanks, can just enjoy clean windows for free!
The French Cops arrest these blighters on sight.
Where are the Gards?
couldnt understand a few years a go when you stopped at light and were asked (mostly by Roma) to buy big issue. wondered where the boys in blue were then too. enough to do driving and watching for pedestrians/cyclists/other traffic without these guys getting in the way.