Car Tax



I'm sure this has been posted already & sorry if it's a duplicate thread! Have a quick question, when you get your car tax renewal, the renewal letter says "pay prior to or during (whatever the next month is)" can you get penalty points or fines if you were stopped during the next month?
Thanks for all your replies! Seems to be a bit of conflicting info here though! I realise you can't go months without car tax but the renewal letter does says prior to or during the relevant month. I suppose the clue is in the statement really ;) Hanleysm - sounds like you had a pretty stressful experience!
You should get your new tax disc before the current one expires, e.g. before 30th Nov 2009 if current disk displays 11-09.

You will not get a fine AFAIK if displayed disk is out-of-date by less than one month, e.g you are ok in Dec-09 with a 11-09 disk.