Car tax on former taxi


Registered User
HI there,

Bought second hand car in March , thru a dealer- tax disc till end of July.
Applied to County Council for new tax disc 3 weeks ago and but application was returned as they tell me the car is still listed as a taxi.

It seems the former owner was a taxi driver and the council are now telling me that I have to re tax the car as a private vehicle from the date I purchased it !!! even though the tax was paid and displayed till the end of July.

Have I any comeback - Tax bill is going to be 600 euro instead of 300.

Feel like i'm being ripped off
It seems the former owner was a taxi driver and the council are now telling me that I have to re tax the car as a private vehicle from the date I purchased it !!! even though the tax was paid and displayed till the end of July.
That sounds right. It was taxed as a PSV. You have to tax it for private use from the date of purchase. I highly doubt that you have any comeback.
You should have checked the windscreen before you bought. Looks like you've been caught, I hope you didn't pay too much for it.