Car Stolen



My car was stolen the other day and am going to but a more expensive one to replace it. Only trouble is I need the car now but don't have the cash until the SSIA comes through What's the best way to borrow say 5000 for about a month and a half??
Insurance does cover the theft but i was going to upgrade once i got the SSIA. Now I need to upgrade a month early so need to get the extra cash just until the SSIA comes in.

how do I change the title of the thread??
Get a loan from the bank, pay it off in a month and a half.

Alternatively, get a 'interest free for 6 months' credit card and buy it with that.
Ideally apply for a personal loan of €5,000. You can set this up on a 3 or 5 year repayment schedule and pay it off in a lump sum when SSIA or insurance funds are received.
Alternatively, get a 'interest free for 6 months' credit card and buy it with that.

Most car dealers won't accept a credit car when purchasing a car as they incur charges on the payment.