Car Sticker/window sticky idea


Registered User
Any ideas about how I'd go about selling a Car Sticker/window sticky idea eg baby on board, and how I'd patent the idea

Not sure if this is regarded as valid legally but as regards protecting the idea, you could initially write up a detailed desription of the product/idea together with sketches if necessary, then post it via registered post to your own address - then don't open the package. I've heard of a lot of people doing this with CDs of original music etc

It's a first basic step in securing a 'originality of idea' concept in case in the future someone tries to rip it off
A couple of points:

- the very fact you can point to something like what you're thinking of would suggest it's unlikely to be patentable (it has to have a significant degree of innovation)

- getting patents is very expensive these days, so unless you're sure it'll make you more than the cost of getting it, it's probably not worth doing

- if you're more interested in licensing the idea rather than manufacturing it yourself, you can use a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) when talking to prospective licensees: much cheaper than getting a patent and it would enable you to get feedback whilst still protecting the idea. The challenge here thouigh will be to get to talk to a relevant decision maker.