Car Sharing for Commute - Good Idea?


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Since moving to Kildare, I am feeling the pinch with petrol costs. I'm filling the tank every week costing about 65 euro. The boyfriend is also spending a similar amount. We are both driving to Dublin everyday. I would go with him in the mornings but he leaves about 6.30 and gets home about 4.30/ 5 everyday. As as he is contracted he could be working anywhere in the country and although he goes to Dublin most days sometimes he heads off in another direction if its easier. Anyway I usually leave at 9 to be in for 9.30ish and get home around 6 so it's not really possible to go with him.

Would it be a good idea to ask around the area/or indeed on here to share lifts or do I just sound like a right penny pincher? Does anyone else do something similar?
Thanks for that, never knew there was such a site! I'm not alone so!
your hours appear pretty standard so I'm sure you won't have a problem finding a suitable car-pooling situation. I'd imagine there will be more and more people looking into this option as fuel price increase.
good luck with it - let us know how you go
Well the site's not up yet but I really hope it takes off when it is up. Everyone seems to be on their own in their car on the Naas Road so it makes sense to share anyway.
roxy said:
Thanks for that, never knew there was such a site! I'm not alone so!

When I read you're original post I thought 'wow , what a great idea for a website'. When I searched I found its already being done.
roxy said:
Would it be a good idea to ask around the area/or indeed on here to share lifts or do I just sound like a right penny pincher? Does anyone else do something similar?

You would cutting down on congestion and pollution so you're doing your bit for the environment which is a very worthy reason. So, it's a good idea on many fronts, not just the money one. There's nothing penny-pinching about it. It just makes sense.
is the train not an option, there are 3 stations in kildare afterall with frequent service and an annual ticket is a lot less than 65 per week and tax free ( just as thought )
Ron Burgundy said:
is the train not an option, there are 3 stations in kildare afterall with frequent service and an annual ticket is a lot less than 65 per week and tax free ( just as thought )

Hi Ron,

In theory it sounds great, but I'm coming from Kilcullen to Tallaght and its only 30/40 minutes in traffic so faffing about with the train/parking would probably take even more time. And there ain't no train station in Tallaght!

Also, I'm not really a public transport person to be honest.
roxy said:
Also, I'm not really a public transport person to be honest.
is that just because where you live is poorly served by public transport?

or even if there was a train dropping you door-to-door you'd still prefer to drive?
Excellent idea, I would take 3 cars off the road if I could by taking 2 extra passengers and it would be great to use the bus lane, similar to areas in the US.

There really are TOO many 1 passenger cars out there due to laziness.
we got rid of our 2nd car and the savings are huge! I do end up on the bus ( the luas leg I do not dislaike ) a handful of times a month and as much as I hate it, the benefit far out weighs my impatience on public transport. I get chauffeur driven half the time!

When shall the N side be blessed with such a basic ammenity!

Only 1 problem if they are more than a minute late at pick up points they will be left in my dust!
bogwarrior said:
is that just because where you live is poorly served by public transport?

or even if there was a train dropping you door-to-door you'd still prefer to drive?

I never really did use public transport to be totally honest, had a car the minute I was seventeen and before that it was only private coachs to school really. If I was going anywhere and not driving I'd get someone to give me a lift or walk. My boyfriend's not much of a drinker so he usually drives if we're going out. I had the LUAS on the doorstep when I lived in Kingswood (only moved about 6 weeks ago) and only used it a few times, didn't really like it, made me feel queasy!

moneyboy, totally agree with you, I'd be more than happy to take 2 or 3 passengers and take 5/10 minutes extra dropping someone to work if it meant I didn't have to drive the following week!
Not trying to lecture anyone here but I think people have a responsibility to take public transport if its available to them. Takign the car because its half an hour quicker is not good practice. Some people drive for a living and are required by their job to drive to work and don not get the option of giving anyone else a lift (probably for insurance reasons). These people can be excused. Sure, you may own a car and have the right to use it but thats not considering the environment or other road users. Sharing a car with someone else is still not good enough. Public transport will improve if people show they want to use it. Now, stay out of my lane hehe

Point taken, I agree with you to some extent. However, sharing a car is as far as I'll go to cut down on congestion and the environment saving! Sure, call me selfish, but I'm interested in this idea to save myself money, but if it doesn't work, I'm sure I'll still drive in on my own, can't see public transport becoming an option for me anytime soon, if ever. Just the way I am, not saying there is anything wrong with public transport, I think the LUAS especially is great, two of my uncles are long serving CIE bus drivers so I'm certainly not knocking Dublin Bus or its services at all. It's just not for me that's all, makes me feel queasy and travelsick!
rkeane said:
Do you ever get annoyed with traffic jams?

Well, I don't come up against that many, Naas Road moves easy enough for me at the times I'm on it (except for when Oxygen was on!) If you were asking me could I sit on the M50 from say, Sandyford to Malahide for instance, back and fort everyday, I'm sure I would be rethinking my options!
Hi - have to get a car currently relying on the 75 bus - Tallaght to Sandyford in the morning is fine but the return journey is impossible, the timetable is a joke. Do not like driving and am nervous but won't do a winter hanging out at a bus stop waiting for a bus that might appear.!!