Car Service - parts replaced without consultation


Registered User

Just wondering what peoples take is on this please.

I dropped my car to a well know dealer/garage as the car was telling me that it needed its "regular service". I dropped off the car and was told that before anything was done I would be charged €165 for labour - expensive I know but its a good car as far as I am concerned and I want to have it all done properly! When I returned that evening to collect the car I was given a bill for double this amount and told that the wipers needed to be replaced and that I had a puncture in one of the tyres. I am adament that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the wipers, and my steering was fine not showing any signs of loss of pressure in any of the tyres (particularly the front one!).

I suppose my question is should the garage not have called me to tell me they were doing this as extra? when i queried it I was given €6 off the total cost.

Should I send an email to the service manager???
Should I send an email to the service manager???

A bit of wordplay maybe going on.

'Regular' service might be interpreted as: "it's due (or even overdue) a service - do whatever needs to be done."

I haven't used main dealer garages (or even garages) in years due to questionable 'essential' parts etc.

Wipers would be regarded as a fairly standard thing to check and replace if necessary - in fairness, they could be on their way out but seem fine to you or me. The puncture sounds a little odd though - but a slow puncture could very well go unnoticed by many drivers.

I would tend to use the term 'basic' service - adding that if anything other than oil/filters/plugs need to be changed, to advise you.

In fairness again though, there are many things that can crop up, which could potentially have major safety implications, and add substantially to service costs even though there many not have been an apparent problem.
I use a garage (not a main dealer), have used the same mechanic for years, when I drop the car in for a regular service he phones me after he has taken a look at it and tells me what extra needs to be done and how much it will cost. He has never done any extra work without running it by me first. He also gives me the option of not having it done and points out the pitfalls of such (for example, wipers need replacing, he explains that they will not work so well and may end up scratching windscreen - but its up to me if I want them replaced).
The way it should be done Truthseeker.

I do think the garage should have contacted the OP BTW, it's just that IME, it's not much of a surprise that they didn't.
If it was only about fixing a puncture and fitting wiper blades,it shouldn't cost that much extra so hardly need to ring.On the other hand if they were to fit a new tyre it would be good policy to notify you first
165 euro extra ...
Like Caveat, I don't read the post that way.

Total bill 330.00
Labour 165.00, inc VAT
Parts 165.00, inc VAT (Oil, filter, plugs, wiper-blades,??)

If it's a main dealer, not too bad really.
You should be able to find the tasks and consumables for the service schedule online, print it out, highlight the "must replace" parts for that particular service and take it with you. Make it clear when you drop the car off that you do not want any parts except those highlighted fitted during the service, if there are any other parts required the garage must contact you and receive authorisation, if parts are fitted without consent you won't be paying.

Other things to watch are charging you a fiver for a bottle of screenwash - fill this up before you go in and get them to take it off the bill when, inevitably, they try to charge you for it. Replace your wipers yourself and tell them they're new. Also when the garage charges you for a full can of grease for door hinges etc. make sure they give you the rest of it, you can then spray them before you take it in next time - I'm still using the can I got from a Passat service in 1999!!

Alternatively, find and use a good independent.

Good luck