Car Service concern


Registered User
Bought a new Ibiza back in February and as part of the deal had 2 free services thrown in.

Anyway checked the car in for the service 2 weeks ago and have a feeling the car was not serviced.

I checked the oil soon after and the dipstick reads half an inch of oil. Anyone do not know how much oil,on average would show on the dipstick.

The car is also pulling to the left. The garage said they moved the tyres around which is normal but I am concerned at the pulling to the left.

I am wondering now what exactly was done. The garage have said the mechanic is on holiday and they cannot say what was done until he returns.

They also failed to stamp the service book which I wud assume is standard for any car not to mention a new car.

I haven't checked the air fitter but will and the water for the wipers was gone and again I thought they would have topped this up.

I'm not sure what a service entails so maybe things like topping up water for window wipers is the owners responsibility.
Dipstick reading half inch of oil doesnt really mean anything. There should be two marks on the dip - one for empty and one for full levels of oil. The actual level should be somewhere in between, preferably closer to the full. Note you should check oil level when engine is warm, not hot, warm. Run it until its up to operating temp (about 5 mins, or just monitor the temp gauge on the dash), turn off for few mins, then check the oil.

They should have refilled the washer bottle.

They should have stamped the book.

They need to fix the car pulling to one side since it wasnt happening before going for the service. Why did they move the tyres around? I would have thought this wouldnt be required that soon after buying the car, unless youre doing some serious mileage.

Go back to them ASAP and find out what they did/didnt do. Surely they gave an invoice with items listed on it that they changed/services performed? Was the oil and filter changed etc....
All I got back was the keys username

We did 20k Kim's since new. Not extremely high but they moved the tyres as they said the front would wear down faster or something to that affect.

I really believe they did not service the car which is disappointing as I would prefer to know and get it serviced elsewhere. If I don't service the car it will lead to firer problems.
We did 20k Kim's since new. Not extremely high but they moved the tyres as they said the front would wear down faster or something to that affect.

Yes that is correct - you rotate the them as the tyres on the axle with the drive will wear faster than the others i.e. if your car is front wheel drive (most likely), then the front tyres wear down faster than the back tyres. However, it seems very quick to do this after 20K kms.

Go back and demand to know what was done with the car. Is it a main Seat dealer? If so im very surprised at their lack of documentation following service.
You need to be able to trust your mechanic.
If you don't trust them, whether there a huge main dealer or the tiniest single man operation I'd move to someone that I'd trust.
There should be two marks on the dip - one for empty and one for full levels of oil.

Just to nitpick, the lower level is for minimum, not empty. There is still oil in the engine at this level.

The higher level is for maximum, not full. If it was full you would have a different set of problems. It is just as important not to put the oil over the max level as it is to let it drop too low.

I know you prob know this but when there are people on here asking basic questions, and others lurking, then it might help to clarify. I get the impression that the OP pulled out the 1 foot long dipstick an was expecting to see oil right the way up to the top, which we all know is not the case, it usually only shows 1-2 inches at the bottom, depending on make.
They should have refilled the washer bottle.

They should have stamped the book.

They would certainly have filled the wipers if they were charging you £4.99 (as I was on my first service years ago, now I always say leave it).

This isnt acceptable not to have stamped your new car's history booklet, I always and indeed love when other people put the invoice stating what was bought/done to the car on what date into the car document wallet.
OP, there is a booklet in your car that details all the checks / service items your car needs and the frequency (in kms or elapsed time from new / last service) with which they should be done.

If you are dis-satisfied with the service I can personally recommend a SEAT main dealer who serviced my non-SEAT car last year and sent me a notification letter this month to remind me the next service was due. Brilliant outfit but I wasn't in their part of the country so my regular guy (non-franchised) took care of me.