car seat trouble


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i am hoping someone can come up with a solution to the very dangerous situation im in with my one year old and her car seat. My Daughter who we nick named Hudini has been climbing out of her car seat , i have tried everything to keep her in including using extra straps but theres no stopping her. i spend my whole journey pulling onto the hard shoulder and putting her back in only to see her 2 seconds later do it again, my nerves are gone , i dread the thoughts of a car trip, i really dont know what to do, can anyone suggest anything, seriously
Sounds like the straps that go over her shoulders are in the wrong position, there is no way she should be able to release her shoulders not talk about her arms if the straps are in the correct position. Also my SIL would have turned the straps backwards so the button to open the straps was facing in towards the child, it is near impossible for them to open it as they wouldn't have the strength in their tumbs to open it.

Failing that I would go to a reputable carseat/ pram shop and get a recommendation on the best seat to use or any other possible devices they might have or can order in for you. Good Luck.
thanks for the suggestion, ill go to and get it checked out, it is a good make and the straps seem to be fine, just to give you an example of her tricks, i put her into her high chair with the straps i bought in a baby store, for extra security, on they went grand and firm , there could be no way out of that, Lo and behold with in seconds she had the shoulder straps off and out she came no struggle to her, my friends are amazed at how quick she is. she doesn't open the buttons she drops her shoulders in a strange way then the strap drops down then twists and turns till shes out . magic
Sounds a bit double jointed like my niece was, we'd sit in amazement at what she could do. However, not to sound to harsh or anything it sounds like she's become somewhat of a performer and perhaps it's the reaction she gets from others that gives her the encouragement to keep trying these Hudini acts. Children even when that young are very clever and if it gets her the attention she wants she'l just keep doing it. Your right it is a serious problem, hope someone else can help you out.

Just an idea and if you think she might have some understanding of whats going on, what about buying her a doll in a car seat and strapping it into the car, telling her that her dolly has to be kept safe by staying in the seat and then show her what would happen if she opened dolly's seat, rock the doll out of the seat onto the floor and how dolly got hurt and how she too would get hurt like that if she fell out of her seat, grasping at straws I know but anything is worth a try
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i have two car seats one holds my grand son and a 6 yr old, he stays put and the only reaction she gets is a hysterical 6 yr old screaming with panic while mammy is waiting to pull over, its certainly not good praise, i know what you mean though, but you have to see it to believe it. i have to find a minder for her today as i have to go to dublin and i just cant do it with her anymore, by the way iv have six older girls and never had this problem
I was going to say if you are based in Dublin try calling into Tony Kealys in Walkinstown and they might be able to give you some advice about the straps. You would probably need her with you.

A friend of mine who had twin boys used to have to tie one of them in with rope along with the normal straps. He regularly got out and started to beat up the quieter one :eek: He knew she was driving and couldn't pull over for a few mins at least to sort him out.
I was going to say if you are based in Dublin try calling into Tony Kealys in Walkinstown and they might be able to give you some advice about the straps. You would probably need her with you.

A friend of mine who had twin boys used to have to tie one of them in with rope along with the normal straps. He regularly got out and started to beat up the quieter one :eek: He knew she was driving and couldn't pull over for a few mins at least to sort him out.

im in co. louth. i did the same thing yesterday i tied her in with a belt it was like a straight jacket she still got out , i think what was mentioned earlier is true, she may be double jointed. my friend gave me a rear facing car seat is she too big to have in the front and what are the laws on that. i have an airbag
A big "no" to the car seat in the front once you have an airbag.

I used to tell the kids that the car wouldn't work if anyone took their straps off, ended up sitting on the side of the road for ten or fifteen minutes a few times, but told them sorry, but until you sit in car seats with straps on properly the car just won't move. Maybe "Houdini" is a big young to understand this yet?
A big "no" to the car seat in the front once you have an airbag.

I'm not sure about other cars, but in mine (an Alfa 147), you can switch off the passenger seat airbag if you intend putting a baby seat in the front.
I'm not sure about other cars, but in mine (an Alfa 147), you can switch off the passenger seat airbag if you intend putting a baby seat in the front.

Apparently that's not necessarily 100% effective. There have been cases of switched off airbags still going off on impact. The only guarantee is to get it removed.
yes when we were in mothercare they said that when you turn off the air bag you are only turning off a fuse and in a imppact there may be a spark and that can cause them to inflate, if there is an airbag in the front do not out your child in the front seat.I have a mirror I got so I can still see the baby when she is in the back rear facing seat it is great.
thanks for all your safety solutions , i was on to the road safety dept and they will think of something so i was told, just waiting for them to get back to me,
There's no evidence of an Alfa airbag going off once switched off with key. (Don't have one now, but drove the fab 156 when kids were small) To be fair they are one of few manufacturers who offer this system as standard. Why don't they all?

System doesn't just 'switch off a fuse', it cuts off sensors and power for detonator. But Mothercare's engineering institute may be more advanced in their knowledge then the car makers............'a spark' might set it off, oh deary me.

My young lad used to wriggle out of straps as well. Eventually called a Garda over one day who warned him not to get out of seat again. Worked a treat!:D
There's no evidence of an Alfa airbag going off once switched off with key. (Don't have one now, but drove the fab 156 when kids were small) To be fair they are one of few manufacturers who offer this system as standard. Why don't they all?

System doesn't just 'switch off a fuse', it cuts off sensors and power for detonator. But Mothercare's engineering institute may be more advanced in their knowledge then the car makers............'a spark' might set it off, oh deary me.

My young lad used to wriggle out of straps as well. Eventually called a Garda over one day who warned him not to get out of seat again. Worked a treat!:D

I agree if it can be done in one car why not them all, i fully endorse the road safety rules but isn't it safer to have your child up front and safely strapped in beside you rather than sneekely running amok in the back intent on causing an accident. The Calling The Garda trick is a good one i often used it before on the older girls but its like white noise to a tot it doesnt make sence