car seat in Taxi


Registered User
Do you have to have a car seat in the taxi if taking a young baby? friends need to take taxi to Dublin airport but dont want to have to take ar seat on trip as there is one waiting at their destination.
It would be a pain, but it would be a bigger pain if there were an accident on the way. Good question though, would a driver refuse to carry a child without being restrained, ie insurance reasons.
I don't think I have even seen anyone putting a cr seat into a taxi and I have seen lots of parents get taxis. Would they be the same as a bus for this query? No one puts a car seat on a bus - as far as I have seen.
The legislation on Car Seats for children exempted Taxis from the requirement to have a car seat because of the need to have several varieties of seat available.

Here's a paragraph from an information leaflet on the RSA website

Why is there an exemption for taxis?
Child restraints come in several weight classes and it is unreasonable to expect that taxis, hackneys and limousines would always have the appropriate child restraint available.
Certain taxi companies would have a stock amount of infant seats that they can use if requested in advance for a charge. I'd advise your friend to ring around and I'm sure they will find a taxi firm to help them out.