Car scratching noise as I put it in 3rd gear

Tinker Bell

Registered User
I've got an old Toyoto and just recently as I put it into 3rd gear it grinds a noise. Once I keep it in position for a few moments longer it's ok. So I go from 2nd to 4th when I remember. Will this get worse? The NCT runs out in the Autumn - will it last until then, assuming that I keep doing what I'm doing?
Generally cars do not fix themselves, so yes, it will get worse.
What I mean is, if I keep going from 2nd to 4th and drive with care, will it last until Autumn? Is the gearbox on the way out?
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I realise now that Brendan and others have done great work in developing this forum, but I think its not yet at the stage where it can be used to diagnose gearbox noises remotely...

<shakes head>

To rephrase the question. If it tries to slip out of third gear unless the gear stick is held in situ until the clutch is disengaged, would skipping 3rd and going from 2nd to 4th prolong the gearbox's life? ONQ, thanks for your thoughts. I hope your head stops shaking
There is no way of knowing without opening the gearbox.

It sounds like synchromesh on 3rd gear is gone, but it could be any number of issues and gearbox problems tend to get worse rather than better.

It could last a lifetime, it could break down completely tonight.
Thanks Mathepac. If, as you think, the synchromesh is banjaxed, would it be costly to repair? Ballpark? Or perhaps I should keep driving it until it dies and pay the Council to scrap it.
I've no idea about repair costs, but it might be cheaper to get a 'box out of a scrap-yard, if you're any way handy with a spanner.
Mathepac has given some good advice.

You have to ask yourself:

"Could I deal with a lock up at 80 kph on a wet bend if the gearbox failed?"

Then you have to ask yourself:

"Could I deal with the consequences of running a possibly unroadworthy car, causing an accident and possibly injuring or killing people?"

You may find you're not covered by your insirance in the event of a claim.
Theie basic position is that you have to be a competent driver.
But the car may need to be "roadworthy" under the contract.
Take the car to a garage and ask them to check her over.

And don't stop with the gearbox.
Gearboxes seldom go first in terms of wear and tear.
Tyres, Brakes, Suspension, Clutches, Bearings, et cetera can all cause loss of control either in - or leading to - an emergency situation.

Is it a Corolla by any chance? I've done some checking and it's a known problem with them. I bought a Corolla back in February and had a problem with the was sticking and didn't want to go into 3rd. My mechanic had a look and was able to sort it out without replacing the far as I remember he cleaned out the gearbox and oiled it which solved the problem.
It's a CarinaE. It seems to be ok if you go from 2nd to 4th, so I guess by leaving out 3rd I cannot be damaging it any more than whatever is wrong.

Being an optimist I took your sound advice on board. Just returned from la belle France having put up over 2.5klms in all weathers over a three week period. Easy to go from 2nd to 4th and up to 5th, but on a few occasions that hubby went from 2nd to 5th it again made the grinding noise. It is a '94 and very high spec (for the year), so we've decided to stick a new gearbox in it and hold onto it for another couple of years.