Car Respray

Registered User
Hi all,
Does anyone know how much it will cost to respray a car.
I have a black Skoda 05 with some scratches each side, kids bikes and so on. where is the best place to go and would i need a full respray and what kind of price should i expect to pay?? all comments are appreciated
This isn't an answer to your question but if you are thinking of having a complete respray done then be sure to take some good quality photos of the scratches before hand.

I, like you, had a car which was very badly scratched down one side and had it completely resprayed. When I came to sell it I had no end of hassle trying to explain that it hadn't been crashed just scratched. I probably lost about a grand in the selling price because of it. If I had have had the wit to photograph it before the respray then it probably would have helped my case.
I live in Romania so I don't think the price I paid would be relevant to you in Ireland unfortunately!
If its only scratches on both sides,a good sprayer could blend it in without spraying the whole car which could cost thousands
If its Skoda Black Magic (gold & silver metallic flakes through black) it'll be tough to blend.
As matepac says it might be tough to blend in to a metallic paint finish. If it's a solid colour and the scratches are not too deep then you might be better to try a little carefully applied rubbing compound followed by a colour-appropriate wax such as 'Turtle Wax' produce.