Car Repair History



Just wondering does anyone know how to get the repair history of a car. As i just had to replace the back axel of my car due to it being in a previous crash before i bought it
You will be doing great if you can get this information, my brother bought a car privately and paid cash and it turned out the clock had been done and was still not working i.e. numbers not moving. Unfort. for him he was so in awe of the car he had found he never took any notice of the mileage clock not moving until he noticed it on the way home. He went back to the seller but got no where, followed up with NCT centre who had given it a 2 yr NCT 2 that day and they said they could not discuss any previous details of the car with anyone. He got the car checked out and the mechanic reckons up to 100k was cleared off the clock on the car so he contacted the Gardai to see if they could do anything for him, turns out he had no comeback so was left with a car that looks lovely but has an engine that might see him out to the next NCT date and a nice big loan to match. Unless you bought the car with a guarantee that is in date I would say your just going to waste your time and money and drive your blood pressure through the roof trying to track down any details especially crash repairs!