Car radio problem


Registered User
Hi all
Having a problem with poor car radio sound quality. Car is a 00 Ford Fiesta with a 3000 radio/cassette, last week radio reception suddenly went "tinny" and lost full stereo effect, sounds weak and "mono" style. Like sound is not full and rounded as it used to be. Checked all the usual things,connections appear ok ,speakers are working, as are balance and volume controls,changed aerial ( saw a slight crack in aerial base), made no difference!. Any ideas for an easy solution as I don't want to have to replace the radio. "Tinny" sound is driving me nuts!
Any suggestions please?
If all the speakers are working then the problem is likely to be in the unit itself. Have you tried a tape to see if the sound issue is limited to the radio or applies to both?
Thanks Leo
Tape gave up the ghost years ago!
I suppose it is a replacement unit so?
Sounds like it Kenbo. You could probably get a direct replacement from a breakers, or buy a standard head unit and facia plate. The likes of Halfords will fit for a reasonable fee if you purchase there.