Car Parking Zapper

Happy Days

Registered User
Following my car getting broken into recently - my Zapper was stolen for my underground car park - rang management company who wants €250 to replace it (robbing *******) - its a piece of plastic - must cost 50c to make so..........

Just a quick question

Anyone know where I can order a car park zapper - not sure the make but its about about 2 inches long by inch think - blue in colour, you open it to arrange the code that the underground car park gates need to open

Happy Days said:
Following my car getting broken into recently - my Zapper was stolen for my underground car park - rang management company who wants €250 to replace it (robbing *******) - its a piece of plastic - must cost 50c to make so..........

Just a quick question

Anyone know where I can order a car park zapper - not sure the make but its about about 2 inches long by inch think - blue in colour, you open it to arrange the code that the underground car park gates need to open

Wouldn't it kind-of defeat the purpose of a security device if it was easily replaceable? Even if someone could provide a replacement model based on your description, they would need to know the unique code of the receiver attached to your gate.
Sounds like daylight robbery though. If your zapper (officially a "transponder") was genuinely lost or stolen then the management company should replace it at a reasonable fee to cover its cost, post/ packaging and administration. We supply additional fobs to residents in our developement for a fee of only €60. The transponder comes from a supplier in England. This fee is refundable if you return the transponder 9say in the case of a tenant who has purchased an additional fob).
Carpenter said:
We supply additional fobs to residents in our developement for a fee of only €60.
We have also been quoted €60 for an extra zapper for our gates.
Its a standard device as far as I can see - the code to work the gates is sent to each tenant so you would need the code for it to be any good - you open the device set the code and close.

It just gets me - a piece of plastic and I have to pay that much - now I park my car on the road cos I cant get in or out of my underground car space

and I wouldn'd mind but the car was broke into in the "secure underground" car park in the first place - which the management company is responsible for "keeping secure"

have already decided not to pay my yearly management fee and have sent the management company an invoice for "negligent duty of care" but I would like to get into the car park again
If you are an owner/ occupier you are entitled to vote at the next AGM of the mangement co. are you not? You could make your feelings known then maybe?
I assumed (for no good reason) that this was a work related issue but if it's a residential related issue and you are a householder then you should always remember that the management company is you (and your fellow householders) so trying to screw money out of them is simply hitting yourself in the pocket.