Car options - friends visiting with 2 under 4s?


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We have friends visiting from abroad next month, problem is they have an 18 month old and a 3.5 year old. We want to bring them around the country a bit but are trying to work out the best option. Neither of our cars could cope with 2 car seats and 4 adults so our options seem to be to hire two car seats and bring two cars everywhere or hire an MPV plus car seats so we can all travel together for the week they visit.

We don't want to spend a fortune on their visit but would prefer to stay together. Is there another option we haven't thought of? Public transport won't work for some of the places we're bringing them to.
The MPV might be your best option. However, have you checked with them that they would be happy with car trips for an 18 month old? After flying in from abroad, they might prefer a bit of domestic routine for the baby for a while.
Would you know someone who might loan you their MPV, maybe someone who is on hols for that week, and you can transfer your insurance.
They definitely are ok with car stuff, they live in Denmark and don't actually own a car because they don't need it. When their eldest was 2 they came over and keeping him out of the car was the problem...when we'd get out he'd hold on to the car because he loved it!

Don't know any MPV owners yet, our friends are just starting to have kids and we're not there yet!