Car on Vegetable oil.....


Registered User
The black and white law according to the revenue can anyone confirm?

I know some people will say it would be the same as running on green/agri diesel but the law doesn't specify vegetable oil as agri diesel so can anyone confirm please what the story is? Thank you.
I haven't looked at this for a year or two, but the bottom line was that you are suppoesd to pya duty on it. If you bought veggie oil produced by a certified supplier (not sure if there are any now) then your receipt showed your paid fuel duty.

If you were just doing it yourself then you were supposed to keep your receipts etc and pay up at some stage.

I suspect many people just put the veggie oil in.

Do you mind me asking what car/engine you have and what fuel you are using?h

How much is veg oil per liter now. as oil rather than fuel.

Can you bulk buy and put into some sort of delivery pump?
The official veggie oil suppliers used to supply in 1000l tanks and you could put a nozzle on it, put it beside your drive.

Veggie oil in the shops is more expensive now. I used shop veggie oil for a while when it was cheap.