Car off the road since the end if July when the tax expired.


Registered User
Hey. I've had my car off the road since the end if July when the tax expired. Due to my wife being on maternity leave I have no intention of using it until Feb at the earliest. I may even consider getting it scrapped. I received a Final Reminder Motor Tax letter today requesting payment. Do I need to act on this letter in some way or just get the Gardai to sign the renewal if and when I do decide to use the car again?

Thanks WindUp. Guess I'll deal with it when I decide what to do with it. This letter I got doesn't give the option of declaring that the vehicle is still in my possession but not being used as mentioned in thread you posted.
I'm sure if you get a letter signed by Gardai stating it is not in use that should be fine. They can't fine you if car isn't in use ..after all it's called road tax for a reason.
Yeah that's true. I've no problem if I go to renew again next year. The Gardai will sign the form for me...if they haven't changed things by then.