Car Loan


Registered User
Hi there

I am hoping to get a car loan but I was told if I do this will affect how much I can borrow for a house loan

If I get it through a credit union can I hide this from banks or will they have access to this,

I can well afford to pay mortgage just want to be sure I can get max mortgage

Can't be exactly sure about the current situation, but in the not too distant past, Credit Union loans were private and details need not be revealed to mortgage lenders.
[broken link removed]

Clink on this link and it shows what CU are registered with the ICB, not all are.

If your isnt you need to make sure you do not have a DD set up on your bank account to pay the CU loan or the bank will know and then can ask to see details of the loan with them.
You may need to lodge the repayments in cash into the CU to avoid this.