Car loan- which one to get?


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Looking to borrow €15,000 over 3 yrs for a car. I'm a Rabo direct account holder and BOI holder. I was considering using the credit account by Rabo, but am also tempted by the low rate offered by Tescos.
Should I go for either of these or just go to my Bank of ireland and get the loan from them?

I would go with Tesco , as their rates appear to be by far the cheapest in ireland today .

Of course you need to get a loan where you pay the least amount of interest .

Check this out
If you're going with Tesco, make sure you apply at least a few weeks before you need the money, they are beyond incompetent in the applications office. We ended up canceling our application for a loan with them after 2 weeks of them losing paperwork, not returning phonecalls etc.
I'll second that , in fact allow about a month from application to draw down. Trust me it will take that long.
THe cheapest option of course is not to borrow, but to save up instead. I trust that you are confident about job security etc in these difficult times?
Not sure what part of the country ur in but I changed my car last September in Auto Xchange and instead of paying the difference between my old car and new car, I could have got down their 0 per cent interest route of payment. I didnt so am not sure of any processing fees etc if any in choosing this way. Think of what u could do with the interest, although I appreciate u have the car to drive around in immediately.
I just got one from Ulster Bank... from the time I applied til the time the money was in my account was 5 working days...
Hi Every1, Just sharing ma experience,
I was recently ripped off by AIB regarding car loan. Infact, I was stupid, just 2 beleive them, instead of gettin a quote frm other car financers. Wen i phoned them, tey quickly said tey will grant the amt. 9000 euros, and only last tey mentioned int. rate 9.95%. I only realised of being ripped, later, wen i just enquired with som private car dealer, who also did car finance @6%. later, i cheked with friends, who said tey did borrow frm cr.unions @5%.
Hey peaceboi, if you have not purchased the car yet. Contact AIB and see if you can cancel the loan. Sometimes it is possible to do so. best of luck....and make sure to shop around in the future.
Where are people finding the Tesco personal loan? I've gone to, but under personal finance it's only offering insurance or credit cards.
Yes- they seem to have removed all refeence to loans from the Tesco website . Maybe they have stopped doing them?
You're right, [broken link removed]

Was in tesco yesterday and they still have Loan Application Forms at the POS.