car loan took out in my name for ex partner


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hi really grateful for advice, I took a car loan out in my name for my ex partner the car is registered in my name four years left on car loan, we are currently going through a seperation and there is a house involved and two other loans, we remortgage three years ago and my car loan was paid off and he he is argueing that I should pay half of his car as mine was cleared with remortgage, not sure where I stand with this, I am making the repayments on the car at the moment I cant afford this I am also paying full mortgage as he has moved out, I am applying for a top up at the moment to try and buy him out.Any advice would be really helpful.
Are you not getting legal advice on dealing with the separation issues especially if you were married (it's not clear whether or not this was the case)?
Hi we are not married, did'nt get legal advice yet, he said he has and solictor advised he not liable to pay half of mortgage as he not living there, he also advised I would be liable to pay half of his car, just no help at moment with mortgage he said he would drop car money into me still waiting 3 weeks later.
I suppose how reasonable it is depends on the relative values of the two cars.
hi really grateful for advice, I took a car loan out in my name for my ex partner the car is registered in my name four years left on car loan,
If the car is registered in your name then your within your rights take possession of it and sell it, why don't you let the other party know you are thinking this way?
You really need to see a solicitor. I think ex OH is bluffing. If you're the registered owner of the car & pay the loan, it's your car & not his!

If both your names are on the mortgage & the title deeds, then he is still liable for paying half, whether he lives there or not. If you have to sell house will he not get half the proceeds ?

Make sure you keep a record of all the financial details.
hi thanks for all your advice just my arguement was we put the money that was suppossed to be paid of his car into the house, so I dont see way I should pay half, also two other loans took out in my name again that we both spent. I was willing to keep them on, if he looked after the car.very messy.
Hidi really feel for you in this, it sounds like its a tough and nasty road. I think legal advice is the best route if you guys can't keep it friendly and work things out between you. It really highlights the fact that common law partners should try tie things down in a legal fashion when things are good and amicable, at least then if it goes bad everyone is covered. Hope it all works out.

Sorry to hear of your trouble. I think you have to look at the matter dispassionately, if you can. You had your car loan paid off in the remortgage, he got the loan for his car in your name for whatever reason. You only need one car each and you need to value all the assets/liabilities at the time of your split and halve. Now, you have to get an expert/family law advisor to calculate the contribution each of you made to the assets and liabilities and it may be that you are owed more than he. You may have to play tough to avoid having advantage taken of you. Good luck with it.

thanks a million for your replies, next step is solictor, we both want the house though any advice on that, what happens if cant agree, think I might be in a better position as mortgage was paid from my account and he has a bad credit history.Bit frustrating for me as i paid all bills regarding house, some weeks he would help out leaving 300.00euro others maybe 400.00euro.
if he has a bad credit rating he may not be able to buy you out? Keep track of everything (eg paying mortgage currently on your own) these are monies you will be able to take off your bill if you buy him out. Find a solicitor ASAP