Car Leasing


Registered User
Can anybody tell me if there is a company in Ireland that offers Car Leasing or lease purchaseto private individuals. (i.e. not companies). I know that this facility is available in the UK and the US.
I guess the answer is yes. Just went to see a dealer and told her that I was not sure yet whether I wanted to buy or take out a new company car, especially since the car I have in mind would kill me in Benfeit in Kind taxation. She said they would also lease me the car and the interest portion of the lease I could deduct from my tax. Not sure whether this is applicable to me, but to come back to your question, visit a dealer and ask them.
Short answer is yes - I've leased a couple of cars over the last ten years in a private capacity (one was private from the start, one was where I took over the lease payments on a company car).

Try asking a dealer of the make you're interested in.
Thank you both.

By the way "ang1170" what is the advantage of leasing
By the way "ang1170" what is the advantage of leasing

I'm afraid I'm no expert: I think a lot depends on your own particular circumstances, and your view on whether or not you really want to actually own a depreciating chunk of metal.

I'm not sure where you could go for independent advice. Ask here?
hi ang1170, did you deal with particular leasing company ? Did you find your cost of leasing was in line with depreciation ?
A number of dealers offer leases to retail customers but disguise these leases as outright sales. Generally speaking if a dealer requires a very small downpayment (e.g. €300) on a new car followed by monthly repayments of the same order, it's likely to be a consumer lease deal rather than a sale. The car can be purchased at the end of the lease term for what's described as a balloon payment but otherwise you can just hand it back and walk away.

The advantage of this deals is that it allows you to drive a fairly expensive new car without having to come up with the full purchase price. It also means that if by some chance you end up driving a "lemon", it's someone else's problem.

The downside is that you never get the chance to build up any equity in a car meaning that you'll always be restricted to a model within the range of the monthly repayments you can afford.

Ultimately, it's a question of balancing the depreciation you'll suffer as a purchaser against the "dead" money you'll spend as a renter.