Car journey query through stillorgan to st. vincent's hospital.


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I have a 0900 appointment in St. Vincent's Hospital mid-week next week coming by car through Stillorgan and heading in city direction, turning right at RTE and down Nutley Lane. I have never been on this road in the morning. Does anybody know if this road and right turn are particularly congested 0830ish?
In my experience, when it is a normal working day and not a school holiday, then you need to allow plenty of extra time down the N11.

It will be stop/start all the way from Foxrock church, or sooner, when you eventually turn down Nutley Lane, it’s not much better.

If I had to be there at 9, I would aim to get there at 8, then all going well would get a coffee and read the paper while waiting for my appointment, much better than sitting in that chaos.