Car insurance rising despite no claims


Registered User
I have just received my renewal quote from Hibernian Insurance, and have seen it rise quite steeply.

I was wondering if anybody else's car insurance (from any company) has risen this year?

I don't understand the logic of charging me E590 last year, and now asking for E730 this year even though I have not made a claim against my car insurance for the 5 or 6 years I have been with Hibernian.
Mine has fallen slightly. Where do you live? It might be that your area has had a lot of thefts in the last 12 months.

I would go elsewhere and see what they quote.
Do you remember the last round of car insurance hikes?

My theory is that the industry lost it's shirt on the stock market and went back to the soft touch for the money they lost.

So what's going on in the global stock markets?

Hmmmm it seems that investors are losing their shirts all over again.

If all the companies out there start pushing policies through the roof again shopping around becomes ineffective.

Especially as most of the companies out there belong to a parent group of just a handfull of insurance companies.

Let the rip off commence!

I'm not sure how Insurance Companies invest there profit but I'd have to agree with the above comment.

Mine did that last year, I got a few quotes from other companies which were less and the original company matched them reducing the insurance by about 20 percent.
Try it, you haven't anything to lose.

try getting a quote from the Hibernian website. I am insured with Hibernian and each year the renewal is dearer than getting a new policy from them direct from the net, even though they have a loyalty bonus on the renewal. I rang them on one occassion about this and they basically said to get policy from their website !(i also check with a few brokers and so far the new policy from Hibernian is cheaper each year)

I have no connection with Hibernian.

I've been with AA Insurance for the last couple of years and no-one else can come close to matching them. I think you need full (5yrs) NCB though. If you have that, they're fantastic. Saved more than 20% with them...
Yes, same experience as Pique - my insurance is due for renewal next week & AA are at least €100 cheaper than anyone else so far but 5 years NCD is a necessity as they were very expensive for my recently qualified wife.
Yes, same experience as Pique - my insurance is due for renewal next week & AA are at least €100 cheaper than anyone else so far but 5 years NCD is a necessity as they were very expensive for my recently qualified wife.

Agree with both there - have used AA for last 3 years, got much better quotes from them than from the well known sites.