Car Insurance Gone Up????


Registered User

I was insured with last year through Travellers. It cost me €570.

The exact same policy this year is goig to cost me €728......seemingly insurance has gone up and this is the cheapest offer they can give me!

What are others peoples experience on renewing policies lately? Are they just trying to take me for an extra €150 since i have an existing policy? insurance should be going down, not up!

They no longer seem to be competitive since moving to Travellers. Try entering your details as a new customer, when I did it a couple of years ago I saved over €200. But least year when 123 went with Tranvellers they up it again and I saved about €90 by moving to (no connection appart from being a customer)/
Setanta insurance very good. Go onto their site and you will get a list of brokers in each county. My son's insurance was hiked up with Axa so shopping around and went with Setanta for just 25 euro more than what he paid last year for same cover.
in general, car insurance has gone up. Not sure if that is because insurance companies lost money in their investments over the last couple of years or because they are taking big hits elsewhere due to flooding. Regardless, shop around and see can you get better
My car insurance went up also. I'm with Allianz direct. Had a small bump last year €880 worth of damage. Have no claims protection so this wouldn't affect premium but thought it would mean I couldn't shop around. It didn't. Got a quote €173 cheaper than Allianz renewal quote which in turn was €120 less than last years premium. Rang Allianz back and they matched it.

I think my premium is a bit higher than most as I drive a hard top cabriolet and it's classed as a sports car (?). Certainly my excess is higher than standard because of this, it's €635

Mine went up in october from 399 to over 500 so i changed insurers and got it for 340 from cornmarket. You just have to shop around literally everywhere
Moving seems to be the only option. Had been with AA for 6 years, no claims at all. Increased my insurance by roughly 25% so I moved to and got it back down to my AA rate. Silly stuff really, AA told me that claims had increased so everyone had to pay towards that whether they had a claim or not. I decided not to partake
My insurance was up last Sunday and late December I was ringing around for quotes. Mine was due to go up anyway because last year from 220 as I was driving a 1ltr car and now I have a 2ltr.

However, the feedback from all insurers is that insurance has risen across the board. That was from 2 or 3 different firms.

The cheapest was actually with Travellers with (I was previously with 1Direct) and they were about 80 cheaper than the other quotes I got, which were all in the region of 520-540.
you aint seen nothing yet. Wait till these hhold claims hit the market and have the knock on effect on premiums. Minimum 15% increase next year across all personal line insurances I would think.
yes insurance has gone up across the board - why? - these guys have lost heavily in investments due to the banking collapse and we their customers have to pay for their mistakes.
Have been with FBD for years and last year it jumped by over €150 for no reason but they were still cheaper than any of the others 'cos they all increased premiums massively 15-20% - I expect another major increase this year (same reason but the ice/snow and floods will be blamed). Got a good quote from O'Callaghan Insurances Ltd ( - no connection other than getting a quote) and they seem willing to 'negotiate'. Plus I will check with Cornmarket and Setanta after reading this thread (thanks guys).
I got my renewal on Friday. Insured with Travellers through for €290 fully comp last year. While the cover cost hasn't gone up, they have added a €40 administration fee for renewal (also applies to new policies). Still not bad though, and includes breakdown cover.
got slightly better quote than last year - have 5 years NCD now and value of car has dropped. Shopped around - 5 companies contacted me with quotes and the AA were best price and value. I did also notice 40 euro policy fee ?

I printed off motor insurance checklist from and used this when speaking with all 5 companies to even out what I was being offered by all 5.

Also done bestquote & - no major difference by doing online
Shop around. Mine actually decreased this year with broker ( - no connection with them other than a happy customer) but they changed insurance company I am insured with to get cheaper quote.