Car insurance firms MAY check penalty points

Do you honestly think that they don't?

Where exactly does those figures on 100,000 uninsured, etc vehicles quoted above come from?

The online article referred to above is incorrect in a number of areas. Not least of which is, that no new legislation is involved here, the references are to the 2010 legislation, which obviously was published last year....

1: Data protection does not allow the sharing of the personal data required.

The M50 cameras are a great stating point but no can do...

The AA and others have come up with these numbers. One set of figures puts uninsured alone at 100,000 so I am being prudent

re the last point
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>On the first point, this is incorrect. There is already the provision in law for the sharing of vehicle registration details with other agencies and vehicle registration information is already being provided to one insurance company on penalty points.

Cameras on the M50 check vehicle registration details to ensure compliance with tolling. Their purpose is not to check NCT compliance, or speeding offences or motor tax or insurance compliance.

Which set of figures put uninsured drivers at 100,000?