Car insurance claim - Independent assessor?

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Yesterday a joyrider crashed into my (10 month old) parked car and drove it into 3 other parked cars beside it. At the recommendation of the car insurance company they had it towed to their 'aligned' garage for a repair quote.

My understanding from speaking to the insurance company was that an assessor would be assigned and would take a look at it next week. The garage would give a quote for the repairs and the assessor would give the go ahead if he deemed it appropriate. I called over to the garage this morning to collect some belongings from the car and got talking to the owner of the garage who informed me that he was BOTH the assessor and the person giving the repair quote. Can this be right? Where is the objectivity here? I'm really confused about this as I've never had an accident before and feel I'm being had.

The other thing is as the car is only 10 months old and the side and back of it is completely wrecked, will my warranty be null and void if I have new parts fitted a non-Opel approved dealer.

I'd really appreciate a steer on this guys. Thanks in advance.
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