Car Insurance and Car Ownership


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Does the primary car insurance holder have to match the car owner? My husband owns the car but the insurance is my name with him as a named driver. I called the broker today and they said it didnt matter as we were married? Just wanted someone else to confirm this.
You should recheck that with the broker. The question on the ppl form specifically asks if you are the owner. Is the car registered in his name or yours ? You must have an insurable interest in the car, and this is normally demonstrated by registered ownership. You could also encounter a problem attempting to tax a car where the insurance differs from the registration.
The car is registered in my husbands name and the car tax has just been bought. Will call broker again tomorrow.
Its fine when its husband and wife. Theoretically what your is his and vice versa. Hence insurable interest in automatically present!
Does the primary car insurance holder have to match the car owner?

I think it might depend on your insurer, an assumption with Allianz is the car is registered in your name in the Republic of Ireland and you are the main driver and the car is taxed privately.

But with Aviva it says the car is owned and mainly driven by you or your spouse/partner.

If it is a problem a simple solution is transfer ownership of the car to you.
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I think it might depend on your insurer, a condition with Allianz is the car is registered in your name in the Republic of Ireland and you are the main driver and the car is taxed privately.

But with Aviva it says the car is owned and mainly driven by you or your spouse/partner.

If it is a problem a simple solution is transfer ownership of the car to you.

This is why I suggested rechecking with the broker. If they say no problem follow it up with a confirming email to them so that nothing can come out of the woodwork later. If it were me, I would simply re-register it.