car in Uk Jan-June. Do I need to pay road tax?


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i am spending a few months working in the uk. My insurance company is happy with this and cover me while there. Am I obliged to pay Irish car tax for this period? Appreciate any answers. I wonder is my car insurance dependent on my car being taxed??
Car insurance is not dependent on Motor tax.
Your car will need to be taxed as the Authorities will impound it if it is not.This is also true if you are detected in Northern Ireland without Tax.

I rang Tax office in Dublin- they told me I don't have to tax the car as its not in the UK so I'm confused now!! I am worried a parking warden here in London might fine me for no car tax and as I'm only here temporarily there's no poing in me re registering the vehicle. I assume I can't but english road tax if its an irish reg??
In most cases, yes. But it depends on how you negotiate with the seller.