Car Horn Pest

Mrs Vanecamp

Registered User
I had some dope in a taxi hooting outside my house after midnight last night, most likely for someone who had already found another way home.
Are there laws about this?

Only use a horn to:

warn other road users of on-coming danger, or
make them aware of your presence for safety reasons when reasonably necessary.
Remember, the horn does not give you the right of way.

Do not use a horn in a built-up area between 23.30hrs and 07.00hrs unless there is a traffic emergency.
yes there are a few painful tools driving around all right. my issue is with a guy who has a seriously noisy exhaust, can be heard half a mile away. i just dont understand the thrill he gets, when my dad had a noisy exhaust due to a hole in it, it was brutal driving the car listening to it. its laughable really, he drives 2 minutes down to a shop or whatever for fags and its like "look at me" " can u hear me"