Car Hire in France


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I am hiring a car in France, over the net. When I go to pick up the car, what do I need to bring with me. I assume drivers licence and passport, but anything else?
Credit card - you'll find it difficult to hire without one.

Apart from that, you should be OK.
Don't forget your electronic confirmation slip/voucher containing that all important reference number.

Can be difficult to explain things without it, particularly if you don't speak the lingo.
One further thought - check the expiry date on your license! If it's out of date, it's as good as not having one (at least that's what happened to a friend of mine).
Word of warning - when you do pick up the car and sign the Rental Agreement - check to make sure that the 'helpful' counter staff have not 'ticked the boxes' for all of the extra insurance cover that you might not want. (for which they are paid to 'upsell').


Good tip. Couldn't be up to them cute whure foreighiners........ wonder where they learned tricks like that.