Car fine



My girlfriend traded her car in exchange for a new car at a Garage last August. The car wasn't fit to pass the NCT which was why we changed. The Garage sold on the car which was parked illegally and fined. We then got landed with the fine as the Garage never processed the paperwork and we had to go to court to get it dismissed. This was dismissed but cost us E400 in legal bills. Can I sue the Garage to get this back as its their fault
My father had the same sort of issue.

He went to Gardai and said the car had been traded.
Got something from the garage to say same.

Job done some time wasted no court.

yes, the garage is responsable for sending away the form when the sell the car...
bond-007 said:
Why in gods name did you waste 400 on a solicitor?

I second that! Did you not think to write to the LA or Garda Station to explain the situation? Would have saved €400, your time and more importantly the courts time!?!?!
Had to go to court as the fine had gone past its original date as it kept getting sent to our old address. If we had of got it when it first came out, the court would of thrown it out but as it had expired we had to get the solicitor. Same with the Gard's, they couldn't do anything as it had gone on for so long
you didn't need a solictor in my opinion. You would have got the same result if you told the judge your story yourself.
The bottom line is never sell a car without filling in the change of ownership form and posting it to Shannon yourself. otherwise you can never be certain that the ownwership has been legally changed
There was a time when seller got a postcard from the LA saying that ownership was transferred on a certain date and confirming date of sale.